Blog 25% more students 1200-1400 - - 1750

Picture - Principlal Rod Fraser in front of the 7/ 8 Building - about to be extended in 2011 -


How do you feel the student increase will affect you ?

The school covers -  Ages 3-6 at the Buckley Hose and Early Learning Centre part of the site from Lower Heidleberg Rd to the North Oval ; Secondary level from 7-8 operates at the upper part of the site between the two ovals - and also operates from the rear of the site near The Boulevard for some Sports and Music, The swimming pool is located off Elphin Street and the tennis courts and rowing sheds off Scotts Parade and Russell St. To expand sports facilities  a carpark entrance off The Boulevard is proposed . While the school had higher enrolments in the  1990s - this was mainly in the senior levels and did not include girls. Traffic problems are worse now than when the school had more studenst. Recently Residenst have resorted to timed parking with - one or two resident permits per house to be able to park near their own homes on school days . This can inlcude visitors / tradespeople - who must display the permit.

 As timed parking has increased street by street - more streets become affected by all day parking and school peak congestion - Many residents still have trouble with blocked driveways and inconsiderate parents even when they have timed parking and become frustrated when parking officers do not respond quickly enough. Teacher parking off site also seems to be worse than in earlier years - despite less students than in the 90s - This may be due to a concentration of students in the centre of the campus - Previously Locksley House and its carpark were well used as the 7-8 levels were confined to the Elphin and Fairy St parts of the school which has very good parking on site -  much better then the middle of the school - where all students 7-12 are now located for most of day. 

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20.04 | 05:34

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11.04 | 09:43

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11.04 | 05:14

I found your website on google and I found it very useful and informative for our business and I also shared your website with my other friends also.

05.08 | 03:19

I have heard it is closely and extensively guarded by security guards - I have seen them nearby - but have not spoken to them myself- ED