Welcome to my Fairy Hills Ivanhoe 2019!
Seddon St Ivanhoe Large Site opposite Uniting Church goes to VCAT
Heritage Uniting Church dominates streetscape Seddon St and all views to centre of the Shopping Village - across Ivanhoe and Eaglemont .
Here are the VCAT dates for the latest challenge to our Pictureque Shopping Village of Ivanhoe. (Plans are available at https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Planning-building/Review-local-planning-applications/Planning-applications-of-significant-interest/8-16-Seddon-Street-Ivanhoe
) TUESDAY 24th SEPT 2019 - COUNCIL Briefing - with Developer and Residents - Re some new slighly altered plans - A3 Hard Copy Plans will be delivered the following day ready for VCAT Compulsory Confernec the
folowing Tuesday TUESDAY 1st OCT 2019 - VCAT Compulsory Conference - only registered Parties allowed to attend. MONDAY 18th Nov 2019 - Full Hearing - currently 4
days - all interested parties may attend - Including Observers Key Issues : Heights above Mandatory Heights - NO Height given for Heritage Site by Council or GOVT. Change
to orignal configuration of Site - develops potential height / setback anomalies Privatisation VS "enhancement" of Kitchener Reserve opposite Railway Station Extra vehicle traffic
hazard across KEY pedestrian route to Station. ( X 2 ) Massing to Seddon St and Rear Laneway - with street wall ARCHES dominating Streetscape
along Seddon and Norman Sts Overall lack of respect for heritage nature of Shopping Precinct. Reduction in Light Amenity to Westley Ave Evergreen Apartments at rear.
Welcome to the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group website!
The home of Fairy Hills Artists Napier Waller and Christian Yandell - Preserved by the Victorian Government ( and also now identifyable as the fictional home of Dr Blake of the Dr Blake TV series.
- Fairy Hills is an older part of Melbourne. In the european era, it was first settled in the 1830's to 60's, - by some of the wealthiest and most influential figures in the Colony of Victoria. The escarpments of the Darebin Creek
and Yarra River meet in Fairy Hills, and together help to create it's undulating landscape and the abundance of wildlife and scenic views. The locality abounds in numerous shaded walking paths parks and quiet streets,
a variety of very old and unusual trees, and many steetscapes of interesting period homes. Local architetural gems range from the imposing mansions of the 1860s and 70's, to the smaller, but still fascinating, and extremely
diverse range of well-crafted dwellings of the 1920's and 30s, and also the more modern, low profile, "outdoors on the inside" type dwellings of the 1960's - with their walls of glass facing the river. (The Robin Boyd era - which many still emulate today)
We hope to engage you with caring for your community and preserving residential amenity and heritage. We also aim to have good engagement with Council - and to inform our Councillors how they too can protect our diverse heritage, amenity
and sense of community across Ivanhoe and Banyule. See the Latest NEWS in the panels below for whats happening and what you can be involved in, around Fairy Hills and wider Banyule.
Current Civic Precinct Plan on Councils Shaping Banyule WEBSITE (Jan 11 -2018)
Shows Current Library removed,
Jan 2018 - What has happened over the last 12 months ? RE the Controversy over the Ivanhoe
Civic Precinct Plan and the NEW Library HUB? Oct. 2016 - Council Elections, the Civic Precinct Masterplan and the proposed Plans for a NEW Library and Cultural Hub - were keenly discussed issues. Town Planning issues also featured strongly and our new incoming Ward Councillor Peter Castaldo ran
on both issues. March 2017 - our new Ward Councillor - was
able to convince his fellow Councillors to amend the Plans for the Civic Precinct and Library Hub. The Council voted to remove a large decked Car Park behind the Town Hall, to allow
more consultation on reinstating car access from Upper Heidelberg Rd.; and also allow consultation on revamping the Civic Precinct landscape - along with discussion about the HUB istelf. To allay concerns about the sale of the council land where the current iconic 1960s Library stands;
they instead proposed an at-grade car park on this part of the site. (Also see more comment below : Concerns still remaining about the project ) June - Oct
2017 - Following complaints about previous consultations run by Planning Staff (prior to the Council Elections) - new ARTS and COMMUNITY based Council Staff engaged with residents
- to review the Plans for the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct and the Library and Cultural Hub. Architects drawings were refreshed during the process, in response to mainly staff ( and some U3A) feedback. GREAT
CONCERN and DISMAY by OCTOBER 2017 While some parts of this second ( 2017 ) consultation were good; others were very much less so...... Particularly concerning -
was the lack of a well advertised in advance, public information session and Q & A at a large-venue, ( To be held on a weekend - when people can attend even if they work) Residents who had placed themselves on the Council Consultation Committee for this Consultation
Process in June 2017, were alarmed and dismayed to find that by October 2017 - this Public Info Meeting would NOT eventuate; As well - some messages about other
smaller meetings were not communicated to committee members,( including the only weekend event - a small Sunday Pop Up event) This was held in very limited space
in the Library ( in about 2 square metres of aisle between 2 noticeboards ) and was attended by some by accident - These members have become quite cynical about the process overall, and disppointed as they would have been
able to publicise this only weekend event through their wide networks - if they had known it was on, and especially as it became the one and only weekend meeting. The general poublic not already involved with Council groups or the
library or U3A - have not particpated in a very deliberative way in this process because they have not known about it. Extra efforts were made to contact special groups via Schools and Kinders - which was great. BUT why avoid a basic town hall meeting ? Did
they avoid suh a meeting when the wanted evryine to know about the NE LINK Campaign ? NO - They went all OUT with special letters across Banyule. Further Concerns with process :
- No documentation was made available or on display at Ivanhoe Customer Service throughout the process,
- Articles in the Banyule Banner were vague and did not show pictures of the proposal in any clear way,
- Likewise newspaper advertising
was vague,
- Points raised about effects to outside of the heritage listed Town Hall on several occassions were ignored.
- BUT especially of concern was to find, in October 2017, - that the consultation
process was over - despite the lack of a large, well-advertised Public Info Meeting -
- This is amazing considering the sizeable cost of the project
- about $23.8 Million*.
In retrospect this proposed meeting should have been advertised with the Rates Notice.
- Cost of Project * See DEC 2017 anouncemnt by State Govt
Discussions with the Senior Staff managing this Consultation are continuing now, to ensure the staff are well aware of the community concerns about the "duping" of the committee into believing
this type of meeting would ocurr. Chance for More Comment: If you did not know about the Civic Precinct and Library Hub Consultation meetings ("POP UPS")
that were held, OR you were not part of
the special interest groups who were consulted, - please, contact this website - to be placed on our email list for notification of any future consultations we may be able to have. SOON : there will be Planning
Permits SIGNS for the NEW building placed on /or outside the TOWN HALL - this is another LAST opportunity to have your say about certain aspects of the plan which you may NOT LIKE. WATCH OUT for the signs
- and let us know if you see them - We are not sure the staff will let us know ! You can also note your displeasure about the lack of well publicised Major Public Information Meeting on a weekend - on the Council's new Shaping
Banyule Website : https://shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/ - MORE Info on the project is on that site - BUT DO show you are interested and ASK QUESTIONS. Concerns still remaining about the project are: CIVC PRECINCT 1. The current iconic 1960s library is to be pulled down rather than added to by an
aerial walkway to the new building. Some believe this building should be part of the project. 2. Its removal, for a what at the moment is planned to be an at-grade Car Park - still seems to allow for the land UNDER the CURRENT LIBRARY to
be sold at a later date. ( It is zoned commercial already - so that could be quick - if Council decides on that later) 3. The Decked Concrete Car Park, originally for the rear of the Town Hall Precinct could still be built and road access
plans could still alter - if Council changes its mind. 4. Plans are still not fully formed on how the Civic Precinct will mesh with the southern part of the lands commercial uses, despite elaborate landscaping ideas for the library immediate environs
5. Integration of the site with other Council land to the south ( Bryant's Reserve near Ivanhoe Primary, and the Car Park adjacentto it - which has views of the City - has not yet been considered in the Plan. 6. The Hatch ARTSPACE ( a
small, fully renovated, ....and beautiful... ( with amazing ceilings) Art DECO Gallery - owned by Council is STILL TO BE SOLD 7. The current U3A timber building attached* to the HATCH - is
STILL TO BE SOLD. These are both parts of our cultural heritage as buildings. They have been used for dances and as temporary Town Hall Offices - as well as being used by many unusual
organsiations making up our history. ( More details available from The Heidelberg Historical Society) and these buildings will also be sold to developers who can build at least 4 storeys of Apartments
on the site (The site overlooks the Bryant Reserve playground and the access to Ivanhoe Primary. ( * See More at Future of the HATCH and Old Council Offices - in the section below ) LIBRARY and CULTURAL HUB Many logistics matters were ironed out over the June to Oct period last year, but mainly with persistence by Library Staff and U3A members who had specific meetings with staff running gthe Consultation.
Similar matters raised by the public were ignored. The Main Areas of Concern are : - The Blacking OUT of Windows at the front of the State Heritage-Listed Town Hall- will make it seem desolate and
unused and not a" live" buidling the simple fix is to swap the U3A space with the proposed gallery ( they are the same size ) and both will need some blacking out but the U3A less.
- How high the building might now be with added viewing deck and rooftop
garden and possibly later Solar Panels
- How much of the Town Hall Tower will actually be seen around Ivanhoe ? ( It is gradually being submerged by builidings suurounding it throught the shopping center and several important viewlines are already
destroyed by the Westely Ave Building and Coles have yet to develop their site to gthe heights thye are allowed ( and possibly more of we lose Mandatory Controls at the end of 2018.
- The complicated layers of hard paving and landscaping ajacent
to the Town Hall / Library HUB - will this look any good ? or look too fussy ? and hinder use ?
- Should more parts of the library be readable from the entrance ?
- Is there enough room for Customer Service functions - as this will disappear
from the curent location ?
- Won't the massive stairs throughout the middle of the plan be too noisy ?
- Is a Cafe needed in front ? OR could it be in a more secluded ( and quieter ) space ? What type of Cafe should it be ?
- Will staff
be adquately be able to keep an eye on parked Prams ?
- Will there be enough parking for all the diffenre t uses ? and now more staff will be moved from other locations -what about that extra parking ?
- Shouldn't there be a cloak room for the
use of the frint door at special evenst rather than have chair storage for U3A in such a prominent ( and highy useful ) location.
There could be more issues that only YOU can detect ? .. OR you can suggest
answers to ?
Future of the HATCH ART SPACE and Old Council Offices
The HATCH- Yellow ! at front on Ivanhoe Parade and the OLD Town Hall Offices at rear which form part of both the ART Space and the U3A Space.
Many residents have lobbied Council at various Council Meetings to NOT SELL this site: To see Herald Sun Article on objections to the Sale - click here The current buildings are part of our history and can still serve many community uses. Especially in such a prime location connected to the CIVIC PRECINCT
and Shopping Centre and large Car Parks and Bus and Train acces - Please ADD YOUR VOICE NOW on the Shaping Bayule website to retain these buildings ! For those interested in how these
spaces could be used in the future: - READ ON .. A trip to the Mallee oasis town of Mildura - will demonstrate the great passion which that City has for the Arts. - Not only have they had a dedicated modern public Performing Arts Theatre and
Art Gallery,(from as early as the 1960s) - but they NOW also have, a thriving, privately owned gallery - in the main commercial street that runs just like a Public Gallery This gallery is open every day and contains an extensive, attached,
and well equipped, multiple ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE SPACE at the rear of and above the Gallery. The Gallery is in a commercially zoned heritage building - with a shop front and kerb side parking - in the prestigous main banking street. It was once a
bank ! The bank vaults are now Artworks on Paper vaults and there is a large wet ( and get messy ) area accessed from a rear commercial laneway ( simalar to the land beside Bryan'st Reserve. ) This private MILDURA project shows how Galleries with
such attached artists spaces can be successfully run. Some of the artists spaces are leased out for periods of time and others are for exhibition related, long term creative visitor spaces ( Artists in Residence). You can tour the Artists in Residence Spaces,
as well as the Vaults and the Wet Area (when not in use) - and there are always extensive and fabulous NEW exhibitions on display. The Spaces attract serious Artists to work on special large projects and often notable projects - and they leave a
contribtion on kind with some of their art work as well - as well as infusing some new ideas into the local art scene. Its an exciting place to visit. - We could have a similar Gallery and Artists SPACE here - in Ivanhoe and
Banyule - at the rear of the HATCH - - That would draw visitors just as - MILDURA's priavte Gallery Space has become . NOT only do vistors come to see these artists spaces - but they are also sought out by artists
who apply for an Artist in Residence role. This potential use has not been seriously considered by Councillors and the senior bean counters and developers agents in ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ROLES at Council. These staff are much more familiar
with selling Council land than thinking of creative ways to use it It is up to the PUBLIC to show they want such facilities, and that they want Banyule to be an Arts drawcard for Melbourne, in a similar way that Mildura has become - There are
several spaces around Banyule we could use for more ARTS projects - which support our ARTS scene and return income and tourist dollars. But we already have this space - which will be vacant when the HUB is built, and will - according to Council's
decision in March last year, - THEN BE SOLD > BUT we already have good access and a huge amount of car parking for this site readily available - and a Library and Cultural HUB being built NEXT DOOR ! We have a relaxing park for artists to
look out upon as well as fantastic City Vistas. JUST NEXT DOOR AS WELL- We have students who could visit and learn about, or participate in, the Artist's processses - and we have buses coming from all over Banyule as well - to bring other children
to a lived artistic experience. While a gallery space is proposed in the NEW HUB, there is not the same opportunity for longer term work spaces that would have at the Hatch. Not all artists can
bring their work materials along to the type of artist space - that is planned for the HUB. There are many other types of options as well for The Hatch and its' associated buildings, - but many residents believe these spaces there
are well worth preserving. Public Buildings and Spaces are needed more, rather than less, in cities with growing populations and an expanding cultural life. For more info and pictures of the HATCH see
https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Arts-and-Events/Hatch-Contemporary-Arts-Space Look closley at the ceiling in the first picture - OR just go for a visit ! For
more info and pictures on the U3A part of the building see http://www.u3abanyule.org.au/our_news.html Please get onto Councils' ARTS Committees and help with visioning such projects as the one
decsribed in Mildura - We Can Save the HATCH ! and the OLD TOWN HALL - for an ARTS Space - as well as saving our Cultural Heritage as well - which in itself is an important part of the ARTS ... Our new Councillor is very keen on the ARTS
( of all types) ;- Maybe give him a call too ? ( See Peter Castaldo - on Councils website for details)
IVANHOE CIVIC PRECINCT UPDATE - Council Meeting Tues 14th March
The Hatch - Contemporary Arts Space 14 Ivanhoe Parade, Near Bryants Reserve, the Library and Town Hall, Ivanhoe Tel : 9490 4370 The Hatch - has been saved from SALE – for now …. so make the most of it ! To enjoy all the exhibitions - Subscribe to the monthly
Newletter, via phone; or via mail at : Art Curator, PO BOX 51 Ivanhoe, Victoria, 3079 or at https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/System/Newsletter-Subscription. The Hatch has
a beautiful Art Deco interior and is a wonderful exhibition and meeting space. Designed for generating ART it will welcome your ideas for exhibitions as well as your visits. The
Civic Precinct Masterplan The Hatch is part of the special area around the Town Hall that is all Civic Land - Along with the rear buildings attched to the Hatch - which were Councils original Library and Meeting Hall (and later
a dance venue) we are aiming to preserve The Hatch along with all the existing civic land around the Town Hall - including the Car Parks behind the shops on the west side of Upper Heidelberg Rd, Bryants Resrev and the Libaray /Town Hall Car
Parks for the future Residents of Banyule to use as Civic Land The original idea of the previous (Pre Oct 2016), Council was to sell quite a bit of this land and return the proceeds to consolidated revenue, and to also build multistory
Car Parks in this Zone. A New Plan following some public consultation last year - and the election of a new Ward Councillor - goes to Council this Tuesday night at 7pm ( March 14th 2017) The new Plan allows for further Public Consutation on the
overall precinct and suggests no decked Car Park beside the Town Hall retaining the entrance to the existing car parks near
the library ( rather than having most entrances in Ivanhoe Parade and directing more traffic to this already narrow and busy street) reviewing the overall Site Plan to allow for more diverse
landscaping ideas - which could include connectivity to the Bryants Reserve area and the land west of the shops in upper Heidberg Rd - Such connectivity would better protect viewlines to the Town Hall and Vice Versa to the City Skyline form
the Civic Precinct Allowing for current at-grade car parking to continue - which opens up opportunites for a weekend outdoor market or similar at the Civic Precinct and also for more outdoor concert/
ART event and Community Activity Space around the new HUB Arts and Library building to be built at the side and rear of the Town Hall If passed on Tuesday night,
the new plan will allow for continued Public Consutation on the Civic Precinct -not just for the finer details of the HUB itself, but also for its surroundings - which surely will allow the HUB to act as a real drawcard for Banyule- right where our closest
point to the CBD and Train access for visitors to Banyule already exists. Banyule has an amazing Arts Heritage which needs to be better exploited and enhanced -
what better starting point than where we already have the Hatch, a heritage Listed Town Hall and a Library with expansive views and our Convention Spaces and Meeting Rooms, and all an established garden setting highly visible and idnentifyable
on a main arterial through Banyule. Residents wishing to speak at the Council Meeting can list themselves for question time prior to 7PM Tues March 14th at the door to the Council Chambers, upstars
at the Town Hall OR submit a Request to Speak Form - at any service centre or online Above - The new Civic Precinct Plan to be discussed TUES March 14th and hopefully sent to Public Consultation along with more discussion on the new Arts, Community and Library HUB at the Town Hall
Dear Fairy Hills Residents undergoing the IGS Area Parking Trial, Residents received last week, a letter from Councils Traffic Enginner Bumeke Jayasinghe, requesting a response to a Survey on the 2 hr Permit Parking Trial around Ivanhoe
Grammar School - including a reference to the new Fees to be imposed on Permit Parking. Below is a Suggested Response to this Survey - and below that, a Letter the Fairy Hills Residents Group has
drafted to send to Senior Council Staff, our Ward Councillor Peter Castaldo, and Mr Jayasinghe, which more fully explains our REJECTION of the Timing of this SURVEY. In this letter
you will see that we argue that a premature Survey and discontinuation of the free Trial, will be confusing for residents and possibly lead to perverse outcomes from the survey and a need for a further trial and survey - when
the IGS new large staff Car Park under the South Oval is completed and in operation - possibly some time in 2018. Suggested Response to this Survey Email to enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au
marked ATTENTION Cr Castaldo, Cr Langdon, Mr Scott Walker, Mr Jayasinghe, or add this letter to the response form sent last week. Dear Mr Jayasinghe, It is my understanding that the parking trial was intended to measure the effects of 2 hour non resident parking in streets adjacent to IGS. The trial was to continue until the IGS underground car
park was built and in use. This has not happened yet. IGS commenced preparations for the car park build in December 2016. Construction has not finished and I am not aware of and estimated completion date. It makes a lot of sense to
extend the end date of the trial until the IGS underground car park is completed and in use for at least one full school term. This would allow residents to see what impact the new car park has on parking in local streets and to provide Banyule City Council
valuable feedback before implementing permanent changes. In view of the above I request that your proposed resident survey be postponed until the car park has been completed and in use for a lease one full school term.
Signed Resident REJECTION of the Timing of this SURVEY
Letter from the Fairy Hills Residents Group (by email) to : Mr B Jayasinghe, Scott Walker, Director City of Banyule, Cr Peter Castaldo; Cr Langdon Mr B Jayasinghe Transport Engineer City of Banyule Dear Mr Jayasinghe, CC Mr Walker, and Councillors Residents have received your letter dated 6th March 2017 this week regarding the 2 hr Parking Restriction Trial in Fairy Hills which started in January 2016. The Parking Restriction Trial which was outlined in a June 2015 Council Decision (Resolution CO2015/155) on the Ivanhoe Grammar School (IGS) Development Plan 2015-2021 – outlining Council's permission in
principle (and with conditions ) for the IGS Development Plan to proceed, was based on Council's expectation that Ivanhoe Grammar School would commence construction of a large, new staff parking area – the underground car park, on or about December
2015. It was expected that the large, new staff car park would be completed and in full operation for several months before the scheduled end of the Parking Restriction Trial (scheduled for July 2017). This timetable was planned to give residents
an opportunity to fully assess the effectiveness of the large, new IGS car park in relieving parking pressure in the local residential streets. Unfortunately, Ivanhoe Grammar School did not commence construction of their car park until the following year (December 2016 / January 2017 ) - a full year later than originally indicated in their discussions with Council.
The Parking Restriction Trial has been effective in reducing IGS staff parking in our residential streets but we are in no position at present to assess whether
the restrictions will be required on an ongoing basis after the IGS car park is complete. For residents to evaluate whether a Parking Restriction Zone is needed around the school for the future, the IGS car park needs to be completed and a
representative period of operation observed to assess the operation and effectiveness of the car park. Use of the car park by IGS staff and IGS out-of-hours visitors will be the key factor in determining whether long-term parking restrictions will
be required in this area. We request that the Trial continue until after the completion and full operation of this large, new staff Car Park
over several months, - as originally intended. Only then we people be able to judge the need for continued Parking Restrictions in their particular street. After the Car Park is built and in use people may decide that New Parking Restrictions and the
associated fees and inconvenience are not really needed in their street and that the streets should be returned to the original restrictions which were the status quo prior to Jan 2016. The Fairy Hills Residents Group had discussions several months ago now, with Mr Scott Walker, Director at the City of Banyule about the impact on the Parking Restriction Trial of the late commencement of car park construction
by IGS and understood we had successfully argued for an extension of the Trial until after the completion of the IGS car park, so residents could meaningfully assess what parking pressure still existed around the school.
We are disappointed that our understanding with Mr Walker appears not to have been communicated within Council regarding the timing of the conclusion of the Parking
Restriction Trial. Rescheduling the conclusion date for the trial would ensure efficient use of Council resources already committed
in setting up the trial and the associated street signage and a fair and effective outcome for residents. We ask that the Parking
Restriction Survey be suspended and rescheduled once the IGS car park is completed and has been in operation for at least several months during a school term. This will allow time for residents to make a meaningful decision and would be in
line with the intentions of the original schedule for the Parking Restriction Trial. Until then, we believe the trial should continue on the current basis, as a free trial. Yours sincerely R Roberts and R Sullivan for the Fairy Hills Residents Group 13/3/17
PS we are more than happy to assist Council with letterboxing the survey at a later date - if this would be helpful
February 2017 - Ivanhoe Grammar starts in earnest on its new underground Car Park
Ivanhoe Grammar South Oval before work started in December 2016. An extensive Tree Protection fence has been erected to protect all the Trees around the site but especially the Council Listed Significant Trees at the Locksley House end of the Oval. The indent at right is where a new building( not part of the original Plans approved by Council ) is being built on the Fairy St to Merton St Footpath
Elsewhere on this website you can follow the progress of the Ivanhoe Grammar School Propsoed Development Plan during its 3 year community consultation phase. Now, in 2017, things are happening !
The new Underground Staff and Visitors Car Park is being built on the site of the South Oval. A large Tree Protection Fence was erected in Dec 2016 and relocation of existing services started - to make way for the Car Park which will take
up over just half the oval in area. The Car Park will have Staff and Public entry from Russell St ( the new entrance-way is now dug out ) and Staff entry from the schools (exisiting) other Car Parks which are accessed from Scotts Parade, Fairy
St and Elphin St. No Public Entry will be available from these other streets, and staff entry will be restricted to between 7am and 6pm on Fairy and Elphin St, and only Maintenance Staff may use the Scotts Parade entrance when the new entrances
are complete. It is envisaged that the public visiting the school will be able to use the Russell St entrance for special events and eventually to use the new proposed Sports Stadium south of the Oval where the current Tennis Courts are located.
Recently Residents have been concerned that an unplanned, additional building, (not discussed with the community during the Consutation Phase) has been permitted by Council last December - as part of the final approval for the building of the
Car Park. This will be a liftwell, lobby and stairs and will be 3.7M high and located on the Fairy to Merton st Footpath directly adjacent to the laneway between Merton and Fairy Sts. The Fairy Hills Residents Group has objected to Council Staff
over this. If you would like more detail about the Plan for the Car Park please call Robyn Roberts 0427949951 after businesss hours for the Residents point of view OR Banyule Council 9490 4222 for more feedback from Council Staff. Residents have
not yet officially objected to the school but we hope to have discussions in the near future. If you have any thoughts on the Councils inability to stick to the advertised Plan in its Approval Process you are wecomel to document these on our website
or email jroberts@alphalink.com.au to input to our future consultation with Banyule staff and the school.
January 2017 - This year catch up on Famous Fairy Hills Artist Napier Waller
Napier and Christian Waller's Work Benches in the Glass Studio in the Waller House Fairy Hills
This year Griffin Ward Councillor Peter Casteldo is keen to involve more of the Ivanhoe Community in the Arts. We are hoping to persuade Council to identify the artistic Heritage of Banyule more clearly and to use the vast array of artistic
heritage in Fairy Hills as a jumping off point. Local Fairy Hills Residents have been meeting with Cr Casteldo to generate ideas. We also met with the author of a new book about to be released some time this year about the life of Fairy
Hills Artist Napier Waller. The Waller House and its contents have been preserved by the State of Victoria, and Banyule Council has previously held small tours there, in conjunction with Heidleberg Historical Society, Rosanna Library and The Hatch Art
Gallery. - The Hatch is Council's small but well appointed and locally curated Art Gallery. It is in Ivanhoe Parade near Bryants Reserve,and the Library and Town Hall precinct in Upper Heidelebrg Rd. "The Hatch" was recently
expensively renovated preserving its elegant, heritage moderne 30's interior, and upgrading its lighting, and excellent public facilities. It was also saved from the threat of Sale in recent times, by residents keen to preserve this unique interior
and its potential for more public engagement as part of the proposed new Plan for the Civic Precinct which lies adjacent to it. Watch these Pages for updates on the Progress of Preserving "The Hatch" and for more information about Tours and
Author Talks on Napier Waller. There are many more famous artists also connected with Fairy Hills, we hope to introduce the public to more of these as well.
Meet New Ward Councillor Peter Castaldo
Our new Ward Councillor is Peter Castaldo. Peter wants you all to contribute straight away to the new Banyule City Plan 2018 - 2021. The key topics include: Health and Wellbeing Everyone wants to feel healthy, well and connected. What can we be doing to support good health and wellbeing? Ed: Think mental health as well as physical health? Instead of mainly local business
conferences, how about a health conference or two each year -with speakers on neglected areas of public health knowledge. Think walkability of the local area, less use of cars, more shade in summer? More rest stops on the walks to shopping centres for
the elderly and infirm and everyone ! Local Council minibus routes - for the connectivity of isolated people especially. Environment and
Sustainability - How can we best protect and care for our environment? What do you think is important for the future? Ed: Don’t forget Chelsworth Park and Wilsons Reserve, the walking tracks, Powerful Owls, micro bats, open
space for dog walkers, weeds such as Shiny Privet and Ash - which are out of control there. Also drainage from the increasing amount of hard surface runoff, flooding from creek barreling (Rosanna Woolworths site especially) and reduction of floodplains.
Walkability - i.e. maintaining minor access routes and preventing private takeover by cars and buildings. Climate Change - time for local-route only minibuses to prevent the need for private car ownership and free up railway station
parking demand where possible (and more bike shelters) Preventative health education to free cash for the more neglected aspects of health and community well-being, as well as more parks and green spaces for a growing population. More local
water recycling back to aquifers and streams through passive runoff management. More litter traps. A more significant Environment and Sustainability Department for Council - along the lines of Melb City Council. i.e. one that has more input
into Strategic Planning for Development rather than a simple Economic Development Dept., which neglects sustainability. Getting Involved
and having your Say - Do you want to have opportunities to be involved in local activities and to have a say on local issues and solutions? Share your ideas on how to make this happen! Ed: Don’t forget Council meeting
question time, regular meetings with CEO? And with Ward Councillors? Directors? Good Public Spaces, Building and Infrastructure
- The places we live, work, shop, meet, engage and play affect us every day. - Have your say on improving local spaces and places. Ed: Don’t forget to mention the proposed Civic Precinct / the walkability of our streets, the rest stops,
the amenity and location of public toilets, as well as parks and gardens, trees and shade, shelter from wind, and community facilities such as halls, drink taps, parking spots, arts and music and speaking/ listening venues, sports facilities, greening of shopping
centres and the scale of all buildings relative to the path and roads, and communal vs private spaces and greenery, horizons and the heritage around us in all these places. The process includes: Hearing From You - November - February 2017 - Go online now at https://shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/future
- to comment and to register for notification of future consultation meetings Discussion Forums - February 2017
- Join one of the community discussions to hear what's been said so far and help us further develop ideas. Join the mail list at https://shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/future
What You Said and First Draft Plan - March 2017 - Staff will tell you what we have heard from you over the summer and provide a first draft of the new City Plan. Staff
will be asking you if it hits the mark. Final Draft City Plan - April 2017 - Staff will use your feedback to refine the City Plan and formally present it for
final feedback.
Council Ward Elections Oct 22nd 2016
Jenny Mullholland Recontesting Griffin Ward Oct 2016
The Banyule Council Ward Elections took place yesterday Saturday Oct 22nd 2016 Where we voted The Fairy Hills Booth in Griffin Ward was at the IGS Buckely Hall in The Ridgeway (as usual). Most people
walked to the voting centre an so parking for those unable to walk was ample and many disabled voters were able to park quite close to the Voting Centre which is wheelchair accessible. The other Booths were St Georges Anglcan Church Warnecliffe Rd and Ivanhoe
Central booth at the Mc Cubbin Room at the rear of the Town Hall Sausage Sizzle !! At IGS This year for the first time in the memory of most residents the Grammar School via its Chaplain put on a marvellous sausage
sizzle with a heated cupboard to make them last the whole day - for both voters and the hard working campaign teams for candidates alike. ( We are hoping for coffee as well, next election ? ) Unlike the previous election which had a
commercial beauty business sausage sizzle - the funds raised this year were for charity. The bon homie of the school chaplain was much appreciated on the very cold and wet day and the quality of the food was excellent. As senior students all
had exams that week the chaplain was very generous with his time - covering most of the day on his own. Perhaps on future occasions residents may be interesed in assisting the chaplain ? if students are not availbale ? Who were
the candidates who did well ? Griffin Ward had an extensive field of candidates - 5 in all, incuding the current Councillor Jenny Mullholland, who was recontesting. The candidates most successful in attracting votes were the
Recontesting Ward Councillor Jenny Mullholland http://banyule.net/about-cr-jenny-mulholland/- previously connected with the Liberal Party and Peter Castaldo http://greens.org.au/candidate/vic/peter-castaldo the GREENS endorsed candidate. How did we vote ? After the election closed at 6 pm, " scrutineers" nominated
by the Candidates were able to observe the counting of votes by VEC staff. Jenny and Peter obtained approximately equal votes on the night but many preferneces will need to be diistributed to them from the other candidates votes,
later next week, to determine the outcome. Apparently the voting prefereneces were simlar in other booths throughout Griffin Ward, and in the Prepoll voting - which was also counted on Saturday night. Postal Votes are yet to be counted.
Would you like to be involved ? If you would like to help with further scrutineering contact the candidate team you are most interested in and offer your help. Their contact details should still be on the VEC website and
many had contact detials on their letterboxed pamphlets during the campaign. There are usually very experienced scrutineers from all major political parties at the vote counts who will help you undertand the process. All candidates are entitled
to have scrutineers, but they must personally endorse them on a special form. The Main Issues This election in Griffin Ward was dominated by planning issues - particulalry towards the end of the campaign, when most candidates
realized this was what the public was most concerned about. The civic precinct, potential sales of public land in that area, as well as public land sales generally, the perceived lack of transparency in council processes, the transfer
and centralisation of Council staff to Greensborough ( and the cost of this ) and paid parking, lack of parking, and the loss of our treed skylines dotted with civic builidngs and church spires - which had once been protected
under our planning scheme - but which are now are dominated by high rise commercial builidngs - due to Government Policy on overdevelopment, as well as the deficencies that now exist for protection of trees and neighbourhood character
and amenity under RESCODE ( Rules for the construction of single dwellings ) and the loose rules for extensions under Building Permits - The fact that these problems are caused by State Govt policies, and how to deal with all this
as a council - were all hot buttton topics. Many other signifcant issues were raised though - especially by Marcus Hill, an eighteen year old with a fantastic campaign manager, Dyson Russell His pamphlet was very colorful and
clear - wriiten in elegant language and covered a very broad range of issues very concisely. Unfortunately his direct contact details were not given on the VEC website, unlike most other candidates. Two candidates did not complete the VEC website
questionaire =which though limited, did help residents understand a level of committment undertaken by the candidates. It would be good to see more questions develped for this questionaire. It was great see such able candidates contest the Griffin Watrd
election and we hope to see just as many capable, and ethusiastic campain teams in all our wards in the future. The new Council is expected to be sworn in after voting finishes in about 2 weeks. Why not roll up then > to particpate
more in DEMOCRACY in your local area this Council Term ? Check for the first meeting at http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Council/Council-Meetings/Minutes-and-Agendas
Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Hub ? Consultation on the new proposed Civic Precinct Hub is expected to resume afer the election but for now Council staff have removed the webpages about this from their website. ( Despite public complaints
about this prior to and during the campaign ) Perhaps that disappeance of public information during the election would be a good topic to ask a question about at the next Council Meeting ? The meetings usually have a public question
time at the start for about 20 minutes and regular Council watchers often ask interesting questions. Just sign the form outisde the meeting before question time starts with your name and address and a precis of your topic ( If it is not on the Council
Agenda that night ) More NEWS More news on the Council elections soon ......
AN impression of the new HUB viewed from the south west -NOTE the green space in front is where the current library sits - It will be removed and the land can be sold to developers for a five storey commercial and residential building - proposed under the current MasterPlan - so the green space is purely a temporary impression for the drawing - A Double Deck Car Park will abut the rear of the Hub as well as homes in St Elmo Rd to the north and Ivanhoe Parade to the west - For more detail see the Master Plan link opposite and the design of the actual hub is accessed through the "Concept Design" Link also opposite
Latest News CIVIC PRECINCT DESIGN OUT for COMMENT NOW SEPT 10th 2016 MEETING SUN SEPT 18th 1:30-4:30PM "A NEW Ivanhoe Community Learning Hub" has been designed to REPLACE the existing Library
and take over the TOWN HALL when all staff leave for GREENSBOROUGH. The design can be viewed on Councils website and a Community Meeting to explain the design and seek comment will take place on SUNDAY 18th SEPT at the TOWN HALL 1:30PM
- 4:30PM Venue: The Centre Ivanhoe
COUNCIL is inviting you to come along to an information session and participate in the first stage of the Ivanhoe community learning hub broad consultation. The Ivanhoe community learning hub is a key part
of the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Master Plan. The Masterplan sets out
the guiding framework for development of the Civic Precinct, including a new Community Learning Hub and creating a new vibrant "public space". What is the Ivanhoe Community Learning Hub? The proposed Community Learning
Hub at the centre of the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct, next to Banyule's iconic art-deco town hall in Ivanhoe, will emphasise the community learning experience in Banyule. The proposed hub will house a range of facilities
to provide the ultimate community learning experience including: - Library;
- Arts gallery and vault;
- Interactive conferencing hub with meeting and working hub spaces;
- Informal theatrette;
- Maternal and child health consulting suites;
- Community café; and more.
Concept design You can download the concept design documentation now (note large file size, 15MB). What are the sessions about? At these sessions you'll be able to view the concept as prepared to date, speak to the team involved to ask your questions and provide feedback on the design. The sessions are a great opportunity for all to attend and find out more, though particular interest is sought by Council from those who are likely to use the facility. Where
and when are the sessions? Sunday 18 September 2016 - Session 1 - 1.30-2.30pm
- Session 2 - 3.30-4.30pm
McCubbin Room, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Road,
Ivanhoe RSVP For catering If you are interested in attending either session, or have any queries please contact Robbie Colosimo, Acting Manager Youth and Family Services to RSVP (9457 9943). Event
Location The Centre Ivanhoe 275 Upper Heidelberg Road Ivanhoe 3079
Council Review Of the Residential Parking Permit Policy
For info on the NEW Proposed Permit Parking Policy and to see ideas on how to comment: See Edition 22 of the Fairy Hills News on our Fairy Hills Newsletter page.
See also, our Residential Parking Permit PETITION (to down load, or to read before signing at our collection points ) Go to the Petitions Page
Huge Parking Waiver Granted to IGS for a further 12 months March 2016
See more at our Parking and Traffic page and our age.
Whats ON ! 2016
New Parking Trial starts in Fairy Hills Jan Feb 2016 The signs are now in place and 100's of FREE residents' permits issued. IGS staff, who will be very
affected by the trial, have already been making other plans for getting to school - ( as the school is beyond its permitted staffing levels and therefore has inadequate parking spaces on site) Starting in early February, specially contracted
parking officers will be issuing warnings for one week and after that fines will be blitzed out to change behaviour. Unfortunately for staff, the IGS management has not provided adequate parking - despite promises that it can rectify
the situation, and meet compliance throughout the recent two year consultation process. COUNCIL MEETING ON MONDAY 8th FEB IVANHOE TOWN HALL 7 for 7.30pm This lack of compliance will be
addressed in an officer report to a Council Meeting Monday 8th Feb at the Ivanhoe Town Hall - The details in the report will be published on the Friday prior at around 12 noon on Councils website ( Google Banyule and Agenda to get to
the correct page ) In adition to staff concerns - local residents are also disappointed in IGS for going over the student and staffing limits imposed by Councils previous Planning Permits and thus causing the traffic and parking havoc that has required
the Resident Parking Scheme to be in place. To have to put up with timed parking for any more than two visitors and to have ugly poles all over the place is not our idea of heaven - So pull up your socks IGS - Get on with a new Car Park under the oval
that the teachers will be happy to use. OUR PLEA is for IGS to make its NEW underground CAR PARK staff friendly -with a new staff pedestrian entrance under the new proposed 5 storey senior centre at the end
of Merton St ( This is to replace Benson Hall ) IGS management should visit MLC or IGGS - to see how well this concept works in reducing staff stress) Make the new Car Park large enough for all staff ( as has IGGS ) and
provide some real amenity and modernisation for your staff. A tiny underground park on the end of the oval near Locksley will NOT BE ADEQUATE - as most staff will still be walking in the rain and cold to their offices. At this point the local Community
Representatives on the IGS Plan Committe / Working Group ( IGRIG ) - have no idea what that report contains.
Whats ON!
William Frater (1890-1974), leading Australian modernist http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/frater-william-6239 - artist and stained-glass designer, ( several Fairy Hills homes have his work even though he did several large commissions) also painted Lina in "The Red Hat " 1937 when he first met Lina. The work is often mentioned in textbooks. John Brack recalls he was first stirred to paint when he met the striking couple in a Melbourne Street at this time. To listen to a 1987 interview with Lina go to http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/hindsight/the-pink-house/3195942
LINA BRYANS and Australia's MODERNIST artists - the 1940s at the Darebin Bridge Hotel ARTS Heritage in Fairy Hills - TUES 10th FEB 2015 - Lina Bryans an the Darebin
Bridge Hotel Modernist Art Group - - Heidleberg Historical Society - ALL welcome SEDDON ST UNITING CHURCH HALL 8PM; " Darebin Brdige Hotel Residents included the charismatic Scotsman William Frater, the retiring Miss Ada May Plante and the secretive
Ian Fairweather. Visitors to the house included the Meanjin set: novelist Jean Campbell and early broadcaster Adrian Lawlor. Lina's parties at the house were legendary! " http://www.heidelberghistoricalsociety.com.au/whatnew.html
- William Frater lived for quite some time in Alphington. He did modernist landscapes from around Darebin Creek Fairy Hills to Warrandtye ( did many stained glass windows for homes in Fairy Hills. Check if you have
any paintings too ! (
- Lina was apparently enticed to Fairy Hills by artisit Norman McGeorge ( whose home was designed by famous ealry arcitect Desbrowe Annear.) The MacGeorge home is often opened to the public
by Melbourne University who own it.
- Fairy Hills also has the home of famous artists Napier and Christain Waller, also near the Darebin Creek, which is owned by Heritage Victoria and sometimes seen on TV
in the Doctor Blake series of murder mysteries.
Whats ON !
Darebin Bridge Hotel from Sparks Reserve in the 1960s - In 2014 a new suspended bike track was added to the original 1840s bluestone bridge (left in Photo), and in 2015 a new link to that across the RESERVE is being built - very close to the original TURN PIKE RD where carriages and cattle crossed the creek before the bridge was built MORE at http://www.heidelberghistoricalsociety.com.au/darebin01.html and http://heritage.darebinlibraries.vic.gov.au/article/858
Ivanhoe Grammar School Development Plan ( for latest NEWS skip to the Latest News section below: Includes 2015 extended deadline for submissions and Help needed for surveys
of parking and traffic ) Background This website originally began in mid 2013 to help inform the public about the Ivanhoe Grammar
Schools NEW Development Plan which encompassed an increase in built form adjacent to sensitive residential areas, and an increase in student and staff numbers by around 25%. A concommittent increase in parking and traffic, and related congestion and safety
problems around the school, for residents and for parents and students accessing the school was and is a major focus of concern with the Plan and with exisitng conditions around the site. Fairy Hills Ivanhoe has been working with an independent traffic consultant
and with Councils own traffic enginnering staff - to undertake surveys and make suggestions for greater Council led safety around the site, and has been meeting with Council's Planners via the "IGRIG" Community Consultation Group set up by Council, to express
community concerns with the NEW IGS Plan Although the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group originally met to discuss the IGS Development Plans; early community meetings quickly informed us that there were OTHER important PUBLIC AMENITY issues
in the surrounding area, we also needed to consider. Chelsworth Park The first was the proposed loss of the Chelsworth
Park Tennis Club ( est 1920s ) Lease - which was about to be transferred to Ivanhoe Grammar School - as they were proposed by Council to become the Leasees of Chelsworth Park over an extensive time period and control
all land on the site. Fairy Hills Ivanhoe campaigned with Chelsworth Park Tennis Club (CPTC) to retain the community clubs lease of the en tous cas Tennis Courts at Chelsworth - and this was agreed to by IGS and the Council in late 2013. While pursuing
the CPTC Lease issue, we also became more aware of the full nature of the proposed IGS Lease of Chelsworth; and of community concern that the Lease was for such a long period of time ( 20
plus 10 years ) and would allow IGS much control of the site and preclude any extra community users from the site over that period. As this is proposed to be a period of high expected population growth in Melbourne and in Ivanhoe, particulalry with the approval
of the new Ivanhoe Structure Plan - designed to encourage higher density living in the local area, many in the community felt this proposed Lease ( voted on at an in camera Meeting in 2012 ) - was a most inappropriate decision of Council. After saving
the CPTC Lease in late 2013 (for the Club to run its own affairs) - the campaign focus switched from the Tennis Club, to the Chelsworth Lease generally, and was finalized in Septmeber 2014 with a final Council decision to Lease CP to IGS - some changes had
been achieved in the wording of the Lease BUT overall residents remain very unimpressed with the process of achieving and justifying such a LEASE. Generally State Govt. rules prevent Public Parks being leased - In this case, and similar ones to do with Rowing
Sheds on the Yarra - a Peppercorn RENTAL (and here a block $1million payment for the Water Project) get around this detail. A community REP on a management committee for CP is yet to be finalised. Ivanhoe Civic Precinct In 2014 another important issue arose around protecting public land and public amenity - Banyule Councils plan for the Civic Precinct in Upper
Heidberg Rd Ivanhoe. Background The Civic Precinct Plan was first discussed with the community in 2008 - at which time a Public consensus was drawn from a Council Sponsored
meeting that the site should remain completely as as publicly owned and used site, with Civic type activities and that any plans for a motel and convention complex or similar financila venture - should be dismissed as infringeing on the rights of a community
to have a community space for particpation in democracy and community actvities In 2012 during the public* part of the Ivanhoe Structure Plan process ( See the Save Ivanhoe website) Residents were assured that the Civic Precinct part of the Ivanhoe
Structure Plan would be discussed at a later stage of the process. In March 2013 this proposed detailed discussion began. however residents discovered that many aspects of the Plan for that precinct had already been cast in stone. {* The whole process
started in between 2008 and 2012 with a committee of mainly business interests}; 2014 Consultations on the CIVIC Precinct Many in the community felt that new ideas for a Civic Precinct Plan were ignored by Council staff and a pre-established "Plan" was predetermined - Residents felt they were ignored, and the meetings left little room for discussing the basic proposition.
Ugly Council Meeting and follow up appeals to Council The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group campaigned with the general community to put many questions to Banyule Council
about the Plan prior to its adoption, but in a very ugly meeting meeting of Council - these concens were ignored and Council proceeded to approve the Plan without delay. Community members and Fairy Hills Ivanhoe were dismayed at such an apalling meeting and
also the outcome - They immediately engaged with CEO Simon Mc Millan and the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to work to salvage community representation and trust in Council. Ongoing engagement with Council The Civic
Precinct Plan was approved without any real alteration, and with many questions about the Plan left unanswered, especially concerns about privatising PUBLIC LAND. The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group has continued to seek from Council, - further public participation
in developing and possibly changing aspects of the Plan, as well as seeking justifcation and explanation for undiscussed aspects of the Plan. We and other community representatives have had amicable and serious discussions with some Staff and Councillors
concerned to have greater openness about, and public input to the Plan, and when any positive outcomes occurr in this direction we will ensure these opportunities are well advertised to the broader Public. In the meantime - See our Civic Precinct pages
and especially the Civic Precinct Petition. The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group have spent considerable energy alerting the broader community to all these isssues over the last 12months JOIN US
We hear that people really appreciate our information arriving via newsletter and flyer drops, and via our email list. If you would like to contribute financially or by leafletting or in other ways - to the three campaigns above or to any
ONE campaign only, please contact us via the Contacts page of this website You can also be added to our EMAIL LIST - to stay abreast in more detail with the three campaigns. You can find our various petitions, and currently, the latest Fairy
Hills News at local shops; Dont forget these all cost money to produce and even small donations to our work are helpful PETITIONS and current Fairy Hills Newsletters ( There are no current
petitions BUT when we have them, we have been supported by the following businesses. : Coffee
Plus Ivanhoe ; The Brotherhood of St Lawrence Op Shop Ivanhoe ; Georgias Cafe, Ivanhoe, Bed Bath and Table, Marshall St Lower Ivanhoe, and our longest running petition sponsor Eaglemont IGA; (see our adverts for them on our general Petitions page)
Headline. Fx. Latest news
7. Feb, 2015
ARTS Heritage in Fairy Hills - TUES 10th FEB - The Darebin Bridge Hotel - Arts Heritage - LEARN ABOUT your LOCAL Heritage - Heidleberg Historical Society - ALL welcome SEDDON ST CHURCH HALL 8PM
ALL welcome to Heideberg Historical Societies first meeting for the year - Hear experts discuss the ARTS Heritage of Fairy Hills. More detail on the linked page - and on the Societies website at http://www.heidelberghistoricalsociety.com.au/
7. Feb, 2015
More detail on the linked page - See how you can add your voice to protecting your residential amenity via the IGS Development Plan Process - set up by Council and the STATE GOVT.
7. Feb, 2015
More detail on the linked page - See how you can help with our surveys - and why we are doing them .....
Headline. Fx. Latest news
15. Nov, 2014
MEETING to Review the latest Plan - WED 3rd DEC 4-9pm ; IGS Plan discussion at Town Hall - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY More detail on the linked page
3. Nov, 2014
More detail see the linked page
3. Nov, 2014
Council Officers would like you to send in submissions on this Plan by NOV 17th 2014. After this a Public Meeting will be held to discuss the Plan with the Schools Planners in attendance to hear comments. All submitters will be officially invited but the public may attend also. After the meeting the school and Officers and the Community Working Group ( The IGRIG ) will consider the submissions - sometime after Jan 26th 2015 For more detail on submissions and how to do them - see the linked page
1. Sep, 2014
A walk around the Water Harvesting Project with Councils Engenering and Environment staff - all welcome
THIS FRIDAY Sept 12th at 5pm More on the linked page
22. Jul, 2014
22 Jul 2014, Heidelberg Leader, •Laura Armitage See more on the linked Page Have your say at heidelberg@leadernewspapers.com.au
21. Jul, 2014
For more info see Civic Precinct Page
7. Jul, 2014
See the Civic Precinct Page for more info
5. Jul, 2014
The Civic Precinct Master Plan - including Library demolition and the selling off of Ratepayer owned land will go to the ; Banyule Council Meeting : Monday 7 th July
- To discuss the Proposed Master Plan, its flaws and the way the public consultation has been handled - come to the community meeting "Protecting Heritage and Public Interest in Banyule" Sunday July 6th ; 2.00pm for 2.30pm
Seddon St. Community Centre, Ivanhoe
Our speaker is
Julianne Bell “Protectors of Public Land”
Everyone welcome / Gold coin donation More Information 0427 949 951/ 0411 154 914
The first part of the meeting will cover the Proposed Plan for the CIVIC PRECINCT and actions people can take regarding the Plan; the second part will cover the Proposed Council Lease of CHELSWORTH PARK to a private school for 30 years
1. Jul, 2014
Civic Precinct Plan including Library demolition and selling off Ratepayer owned land to go to
Banyule Council Meeting : Monday July 7 th - Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm
Be listed to speak from 7-7-30pm, and/or write to the Councillors prior - To All Councillors, the CEO, and relevant officers - PO Box 51, Ivanhoe 3079/ enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au
For more on the Plans you can also attend the Public Meeting at Seddon St Uniting Church Hall on Sunday 6th July at 2.30pm and discuss the issues, look at the Plans etc :-
"Protecting Heritage and Public Interest in Banyule" Sunday July 6th
2.00pm for 2.30pm
Seddon St. Community Centre, Ivanhoe
Our speaker is
Julianne Bell “Protectors of Public Land”
Everyone welcome / Gold coin donation More Information 0427 949 951/ 0411 154 914
The first part of the meeting will cover the Proposed Plan for the CIVIC PRECINCT and actions people can take regarding the Plan; the second part will cover the Proposed Council Lease of CHELSWORTH PARK to a private school for 30 years
7. Jun, 2014
Council will NOT consider this matter until June 23rd EMAIL your councillors and planning staff NOW - see the Civic Precinct Page for contact details / advice on Modernist Architecture / Overdevelopment of the site and Privatisation of PUBLIC ASSETS on our CIVIC PRECINCT Page OR use contact page to ask for greater detail
6. Jun, 2014
Banyule Planning DEPT has REFUSED the Multi-storey application at this address - which several residents objected to ( The Plan had been advertised over the Holidays ) The Developer is appealing to VCAT and has sent a letter to objectors so they can respond if they are going to participate in the VCAT Case and whether they will appear to speak. This allows an opportunity for more residents to object by becoming "JOINED " to the VCAT case. The application like several others before it - involves Parking Waivers and greatly exceeds the Ivanhoe Structure Plan Guidelines - Those who would like to add their voice opposing this can contact VCAT to be added to the case or for more details and help see our Ivanhoe Growth Plan Page OR contact Fairy Hills Ivanhoe via our contacts page - we can put you in touch with other residents who are objecting
7. Jun, 2014
In regards to the Walk and Tour of Chelsworth Park – Tom Zapulla has cancelled the friday tour as per an email he may have sent to you on 23rd May.
The Walk/Tour of the Chelsworth Pavilions and other infrastructure will be :-
Sunday 15th June – 9.00am – 10.30am (sharp) led by MS Allison Beckwith Director of Community Programs at Banyule.
The aim is to give ratepayers and non-active ( passive ) users of Cheslworth Park an understanding of the internal facilities and other operational infrastructure,which they may NOT be familar with. This will enable a better understanding of the Parks Use and ratepayers can better assess and respond to any proposed infrastructure deveopments at the site and how that may or may NOT affect their passive and or active use in the future
The present Tour is for 10 people and can be booked through this website - on the contact page.
A running list of potential standbys for the tour when it is full will also be recorded for MS Beckwith - all ratepayers are welcome to apply - A list of attendees will also be published so the public can discuss the tour with those who attend - ( - in case they were unable to apply for the tour due to absence or other committments)
A TOUR of the CHELSWORTH WATER HARVESTING PROJECT has had to be delayed until AUGUST - due to inadeqaute staff being available until then - Contact John Milkins at Council for further details
7. May, 2014
Heidelberg Leader ( page 5 ) has an article on Councils Plan to demolish the Precincts current library and its fantastic views , AND, - have Council Land converted to Commercial Zoning from the middle of the current library footprint to the commercial shops to the south at Ivanhoe Parade To comment
EMAIL mailto:laura.armitage@news.com.au] ( journalist ) OR heidelberg@leadernewspapers.com.au ( editor ) OR BOTH - with your response to the article
7. May, 2014
TONIGHT Wednesday 7 May, 7pm to 9pm, McCubbin Room, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe.
THIS SATURDAY Saturday 10 May, 1pm to 3pm, McCubbin Room, The Centre Ivanhoe, 275 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe. Your chance to have a say ...
(email address for RSVP is, Ivanhoe.project@banyule.vic.gov.au OR phone 9457 9816 OR just come .. Its a large space )
7. May, 2014
Council staff have notified the IGRIG ( Council appointed IGS residents interest group ) that a meeting will be held within two weeks to discuss the NEW 3 rd set of IGS PLans
5. May, 2014
An incidental conversation with Council staff annouces IGS NEW 3RD PLAN
On Monday 5 May, a resident member of Councils IRIG ( Ivanhoe Grammar Residents Interest Group ) heard from Council staff discussing another matter - that a NEW IGS Development Plan had been submitted by the School just before Easter. Councils Planning staff on Monday 5 May had still only had time to look at the Plans briefly and knew little of the content . A request was made immediately for copies of the Plans - so the IGRIG could assist Councils staff in reviewing them. Shortly after the Plans were emailed to the members of Councils IGRIG and were being discussed - The Plans still show an underground Car Park ( 120 Cars ) under the schools southern oval ( As in the IGS Plan Version 2 from DEC 2013 ) and a similar increase in student and staff numbers to the previous Plans. For more details or to receive an e-copy of the Plans contact this website via our CONTACTS page. The Plans have NOT yet been assessed by Council as being suitable for a formal PUBLIC NOTIFICATION period - as Council must determine first if they contain an adequate and reliable amount of information for this to ocurr. IGRIG will assist Council by looking for contradictions and errors in the Plans ( several were found in previous versions and these could need to be resolved before any publci exhibition period) .. and also any vague and indeterminate statements can be highlighted to COUNCIL - who again may request further information from the school before the Plans proceed to formal exhibition and a Public Comment Period of 4 weeks As the formal period for viewing the very complex Plans is proposed by Council to be quite short in terms of residnts available free time to understand the Plans, the FHI residents group suggest people living close to the school and with an immediate interest - contact us for a copy of the as yet unvetted Plans, -even if they are laetr changed or added to -it makes it easier to saty up to date with the schools thinking and makes any new Plans easier to digest
26. Apr, 2014
Traffic Studies sent to Residents Traffic Engineer for Comment
After an intensive period of surveys the Resident collected data will be reviewed by an independent Traffic Engineer to decide if we have collected enough data and also to decide what the data shows - FHI Residents will write to Council about the data if it is complete enough Already a Council Traffic Engineer has visited the group on a data collection day - to observe their methodology and suggest extra data which could be collected The engineer was able to view the amazing volumes of traffic and the queueing that occurrs as a result of that
15. Apr, 2014
Councils Traffic Engineer and Councillor Mullholland visit Rose St Intersection with Waterdale Rd
Concerned residents near the corner of Rose St and Waterdale Rd explained the safety hazards to Councils Engineer and CR Mullholland and action will be taken to mark yellow lines near the intersection to try and create a clearer view for traffic using this intersection Along several intersections with Waterdale Rd the traffic increases and increased teacher parking from IGS - have highligjhted the already dangerous nature of these intersections which are near crests and have short viewing distances for oncoming cars. The yellow lines will assist teachers and others to park a LEGAL distance from the intersections (IE within the unmarked arae of the road). Councils regular parking patrols will continue to book people who are illegally parked . If you are aware of illegal parking ( ie time limits overstayed or parking along yellow lines or in disbaled spaces without a disabled sticker, you are advised to contact Councils Parking Officers to allow them to do spot bookings. It is quite legal to also take a photo of the presumed offence includinga number plate and also send that to Council. Lately several cars have been parking in NO STANDING ZONES in The Ridgeway near hazardous corners and their number plates have been passed onto Council Officers.
27. Mar, 2014
Have Your Say About the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct
Council has announced two informations sessions for the Ivanhoe Civic Precinct Master Plan Council will release the Civic Precinct Draft Master Plan, to residents . This is designed to provide a legal planning framework for the future of the Civic Precinct on Upper Heidelberg Road. Key aspects of the draft Master Plan will be explored in more detail at consultation workshops to be held in May. The workshops will provide the opportunity to discuss a range of issues including parking and traffic management, heritage, and public space, and the findings will inform a revised draft Master Plan.
At the initial information meetings Residents were appalled to see re-zoning of public space to Commecial and the loss of the exisiting 3 Floor Library with spectacular views to the city -
To comment on the Plans email: Ivanhoe.project@banyule.vic.gov.au , OR phone 9457 9816 to speak to a council officer , and be added to the notification list for future meetings
14. Mar, 2014
ILLEGAL U- turns rife in The Ridgeway
Residents who have volunteered for the Traffic Surveys around IGS have been appalled at the number of illegal U-turns, cars stopping and picking up students in the middle of the road, and people using disabled spots when NOT authorized. Many of the volunteers do not live close to the school and have been shocked at the hazards drivers create. Ivanhoe Grammar, as well, has been urging their parents to drive safely and be considerate, but it appears some drivers become so stressed in the traffic chaos at drop off and pick up time that they forget to behave in a manner that is cooperative and safe for all
8. Mar, 2014
FHI Residents Group to tackle their own Traffic Surveys around IGS
Using the advice of a Traffic Engineer, residents will be surveying various intersections for traffic movements around IGS over the next few weeks . The school appears to have increased traffic congestion in several locations in recent years and the initial analysis by the schools own consulatants will be checked - as well as extra studies done in some places
8. Feb, 2014
Invitations letterboxed this weekend for Meeting RE IGS PLANS and CHELSWORTH LEASE
If you can help with letterboxing this invitation in your area please contact us by via our WEBSITE link ( SEE CONTACTS page ) The MEETING is at Seddon St Uniting Church Hall SUNDAY 16th FEB 2- 4pm ALL welcome.
1. Feb, 2014
NO plans on Councils website ( as was promised by BCC )
UPDATE Feb 1 2014 - Although promised by Council Staff in late Dec - This DOCUMENT is still NOT on Councils website ! IT APPEARS THAT COUNCIL STAFF NOW have no intention of placing this Plan before the PUBLIC and have entirely relied on the appointed RIG members to review the Plan for faults and inconsistencies ( IT has MANY !!) Staff will be sending the Plan back to the Ivanhoe Grammar School for reworking and the answering of many important questions which have still NOT been explained - Before they ask for PUBLIC COMMENT on the Plan. At the moment they have told RIG members that when the Plan returns anew it will be exhibited for 4 SHORT WEEKS before they decide on the Application
As there is so much to understand in such a massive collection of Plans and the various accompaying statements and that cover such a large area of land, residents are very concerned that this amount of time will be INADEQUATE to properly review the Plans - In fact the amount of time the RIG had to review that Plans for inconsistencies and missing information- was very brief considering several have been away on Xmas Holidays and unable to attend meetings and stay abreast of the latest discusssions on the Plans
For more about the progress of Councils IGRIG Meetings - see details below in the NEWS timeline
OR Attend the NEXT Fairy Hills Ivanhoe MEETING - Sunday 16th FEB Seddon St Uniting Church Hall 2-4 pm All welcome.
31. Jan, 2014
The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group meet Friday 31st
A small meeting confirmed that The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group will write to the local residents inviting them to a Public Q and A meeting on the progression of the IGS revised Plans (DEC 20th 2014 ) on Sunday Feb 16th Newsletter dropper needed for the weekend of the 8th and 9th - Please email our contacts page if you can help
29. Jan, 2014
NEXT Meeting of RIG WED 29th Jan
The purpose of this meeting was to hear from Council about how they had consolidated our questions into a document ready for Ratio and the School to respond to The Staff were still preparing this document though, and so discussion centred on process questions and any new thoughts the RIG had re the schools Plans
23. Jan, 2014
Following the Tour - More questions were raised
As a result of questions during the TOUR - some RIG members requested an extension of time to frame more questions on the Plans - This was granted. Some of the concerns which were raised later, were related to incorrect or inconsistent information given ON THE TOUR by Rachel , - an Associate Director at Ratio Consultants. - Most specifically there was an inconsistency between Rachels assertions about the position of the Sports Building relative to neighbours properties and the actual measurements in BOLD on the Plans There was also misleading information given with regard to levels Rachel cited when comparing the existing level of the current pool and the exterior makers of the outside of the building. These levels were later checked by residents whio had access to the building and found to be incorrect by several meters as well . Owing to the lack of accurate information throughout the TOUR on the scale and positioning of buildings and also on inconsistent statements throughout the IGS Documents, members of the RIG have argued to COUNCIL that it is imperative that the RIG have access to the Full Plans and can ask the school ARCHITECTS (Hayball) - for more complete and verifyable information - possibly at future face to face meetings.
22. Jan, 2014
TOUR OF IGS with Schools Consultants / RIG Members and Staff
This Tour was also attended by three Councillors, incuding the Mayor and the Local Ward Councillor - who were able to hear the Residents Interest Group raise questions on the Tour with the Consultants from "Ratio" - who represent the school on its Plans Paul Walsh - Registrar at IGS led the TOUR firstly over to the area of the Proposed Sports Centre and later back to the proposed New Senior Centre at the top of Merton St and the proposed new Year 9 Centre at the end of Rose St. There was no time allowed for any further examination of other parts of the school - Though Mr Walsh did offer to make a special trip to the Junior School later, during school time, if the RIG was interested - Some were and hope to take up that offer
15. Jan, 2014
Ist Meeting of RIG in New Year
At this meeting it was disclosed that Council NOW had the proper PDFs for the Revised IGS PLan - RIG Members were asked to provide questions about the Plans so far and given a deadline of WED Jan 22nd to complete their questions on the Plan - Even though that was the Day planned for a tour of the School with the schools consultants and surely we would have more questions after that ?
12. Jan, 2014
Still NO plans on Councils website ( as was promised by BCC )
1. Jan, 2014
STOP PRESS 2014 - New Plans Submitted by IGS still show little detail of buildings
Just before Xmas - the Ivanhoe Grammar School submitted a new VERSION of the schools 2013 Development Plan to Council.
Residents can email FairyHillsIvanhoe for a scanned copy ( Via our Contact Page )
/ view a hard copy at the Town Hall or at Councils Rosanna Planning Office OR
/ View the original PDF from the Schools consultants on Councils Ivanhoe Grammar Development Plan website - Google Banyule and Ivanhoe Grammar School or see http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Services/Planning/Proposed-Ivanhoe-Grammar-School-Development-Plan
Dec. 30th, 2013
Still NO Plans on Councils website
24. Dec, 2013
Meeting for Russell St and Marshall St Residents (but open to all ) 28th Dec
As the Council appointed Residents Interest Group had arranged to meet with Council just before Xmas, they were able to hear a little about the Revised Plan and the schedule for the Community Meeting which will be held to discuss it. Copies of the Revised Plan have now been received by all RIG members, in scanned PDF form, but as yet the Documents are NOT available on Councils website. The staff are hoping to get properly formatted PDF versions onto the website early in the NEW Year when the Schools architects ( Hayball ) open for business. ( The Plans have initially been sent only in hard copy - which Council Staff had to scan for us page by page; We are very grateful that they found time to do this in the busy period over Xmas and with many staff away )
Some streets on the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group email list have already been emailed the Council Scanned Plans to look at - If you would like them - email us via this website ( Contact Page ) Eventually we will send them to all streets, but so far we have done Russell St and Marshall St and we are having an impromptu meeting Sat 28th Dec to discuss them with that list of residents and anyone else they care to bring
24. Dec, 2013
Scanned E Copies of New Plan arrive at inboxes of New RIG Group
On Christmas Eve the Council appointed RIG - received copies of the new IGS Development Plan Documents - in 3 parts - A fourth part - The Heritage Assessment of Trees was the same as the original and can still be viewed on Councils website. Since then two meeetings have been held with residents and a third for Russell and Marshall St Residents is being held on Sat 28th Dec - all at very short notice but inan effort to get the word out about the New Plans
Council will be seeking comment on the New Plans - which includes a deletion of the Access Rd previously proposed off The Boulevard Ivanhoe - an apparent enlargment of the Sports Stadium and deletion of its car park ( still NO capacity given for seating ); and the addition of a new Car Park under the Southern Oval. Copies can be forwarded to residents by the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group . If you would like to see them before they go onto Councils website (NOT there as of Dec 28th ) - just write to our Contacts Page - and we will endeavour to send it
23. Dec, 2013
Meeting of Councils RIG at Town Hall Tonight
The Residents appointed by Council to the Residents Interest Group met Monday Dec 23rd for an orientation meeting - Not all appointees were able to come ( John Petsas and Robyn Sullivan, both from the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group were tied up, but happy to catch up on the basics from others who attended later.) It was great to get the ball rolling for a group that was originally proposed by Council to be formed at the beginning of 2012 !!
After introductions, we heard from Scott Walker Director of City Development and previously head of the Planning Dept. at Banyule, about the protocols for the group, and later in the meeting, .... the news that a new Plan had been submitted by Ivanhoe Grammar Schools Consultants just that day !!- As had been rumoured in the community, the Plan deletes the access road off The Boulevard and in addition relocates the initial 100 ( 50 X 2 ) car spaces from 2 separate undercover Car Parks to a new one underneath the south oval at the school - This is something that many in the community have been calling for for some time ( as far back as 1998 !!) as a solution to the overflowing parking of staff from the school in surrounding streets. The logistics of this are not fully explained in the plan - so the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Residents Group will be seeking greater clarification on this plan and any traffic impacts it may have. We would encourage everyone to look at the Plan as soon as possible and make submissions to council. We would like to also see your submissions - These can be sent to the Contacts Page of this website over the holiday break - as we may not always be able to answer not everyone is able to answer emails directly at that time. Shorter comments can also be made on every page - which we welcome for sharing ideas and receiving community feedback back and forth on any suggestions made.
Towards the end of the meeting several questions were asked of Council Staff - including when will a meeting be called for all residents to comment on the New Plan - as would be expected this will probaly be when the public returns to work following the School Holidays - so all will have the opportunity to attend. Further notes on this meeting, including the other questions we asked will be made available on our RW/"I" G Page
20. Dec, 2013
Council Appoints 10 Person IGS "Interest" Group:
Council Appointed the 10 Person IGS "Interest" Group at its meeting of the 16th Dec :
16. Dec, 2013
All petitioners to be notified by public mailout and all clubs and user groups to be notified by letter addressed to club secretary . New Fact sheet will respond to residents questions so far - Also to be provided in the Mailout
16. Dec, 2013
Tonight is the Council Meeting that will appoint the 10 members of the Councils Residents Interest / Working Group which will look in more detail at the Ivanhoe Grammar School Development Plan over coming weeks or months. The list of Appointees will be displayed on this website as soon as they become available - We are hoping our community preferred candidates are all able to be on the group.
3. Nov, 2013
For more information on Nominees - see the Election of RW/IG page on this site The Process - see the Fairy Hills Newsletter page ( Newsletter No17 )
To make a nominee statement use the CONTACTS page of this website -
7. Oct, 2013
For more information see the Chelsworth Park page on this site
23. Sep, 2013
At the Council Meeting of the 23rd of Sept 2013 and at a pre-meeting earlier the same day, Council responded to residents concerns about the process for the consideration of the Ivanhoe Grammar School's 2nd Development Plan -
This 5 year Plan includes an increase of students and teachers of 25%, several very large buildings ( one is 7 storeys ) and a large sporting complex just off The Boulevard Ivanhoe - a notoriously dangerous stretch of road - particularly at some times of the year.
The Process will NOW include a 10 person RESIDENT WORKING GROUP to work through the Plans with the School and Council ( Prev 6 ) and the ability to call further Public Meetings on the Plan as needs arise - to explain or get feedback on the Plans as they develop, and as community and council queries are responded to by the School.
Residents are very pleased that Council took the extra time to consider their points in detail at the earlier meeting as Council Meeting speaking times are very limited - Almost all Councillors attended the pre meeting which was very much appreciated. The instigation for the pre meeting was Councils consideration of the fairyhillsivanhoe.com Residents Groups petition to Council as well as a resolution passed at an earlier community meeting, and an explanation sheet forwarded more recently to Council.
Residents are hopeful of a similar amount of interest in their petition about the proposed Lease and Booking System for Chelworth Park . This should go to a Council Meeting on the 7th of Oct but in the meantime the petition can still be signed at Ivan and Noels IGA Eaglemont and at Bed Bath and Table ( Cnr Lower Heidlberg Rd and Marshall St) The petition can also be copied from the this website on the Down Load Petition Page; this enables residenst to talk to their neighbours about the Plan and get more signatures for the petition - Use the Contact Page on this site to email and arrange delivery of the signed petitions pages before Monday 7th Oct 2013
15. Sep, 2013
See also the full wording of the petitions at the Petitions page in the menu
10. Sep, 2013
Ivanhoe Grammar School prepared to compromise over development plans
•by:Julie Hedjes •From:Heidelberg Leader •September 10, 201312:00AM
8. Sep, 2013
Submissions can still be made to Councils Planners - be "in the loop " See also Development Plans Page for the legal context for submissions
8. Sep, 2013
Meeting with the Chelsworth Tennis Club will take place at 3pm to gain some background on the Chelsworth Park issues. General Catchup meeting at 2pm will discuss recent events re the Ivnahoe Grammar School Development Plan - All welcome - at Ivanhoe Golf Course Cafe Vasey St Ivanhoe
31. Aug, 2013
The Fairy Hills Resident Group will have a presence at the Eaglemont Shopping Village Spring Fair Sat 31 Aug - 11am to 4pm Residents will be available to answer questions about the IGS Plan AND the Chelsworth Lease - Contact forms for the residents email list will be available, as well as NOT THIS PLAN Signs ( $10 ) and Petitions. SEE US at Ivan and Noels supermarket :) Signs, petiions and email contact can also be obtained via this website - on the appropriate pages - see the menu.
21. Aug, 2013
Over 130 residents met at the Town Hall with Ivanhoe Grammar Schools' Planning Consultants and Banyule staff at 6pm Tues 20th August. ............................................................................................................... The main seminar meeting was faciltated by Daniel Kollmogan, Manager of Development Services at Banyule, and the smaller workshop style meetings, by Planners Joel Elbourne and Andy Wilson. Ivanhoe Grammar School principal Rod Fraser attended but did not respond to questions. The schools representatives - "Ratio Consultants " who also facilitated the Schools earlier Development Plan, attended to answer community questions. First, Director David Crowder, outlined the schools plans. Mr Crowder provides expert witness representation at VCAT for Ratio. Next Russell Symons ( B.Eng.Civil (Melb), M.Eng.Sci. (Melb), B.A. (ANU), ) Managing Director of Ratio, spoke about the schools traffic and parking proposals. .............................................................................................................. The audience then provided commentary and posed questions to the panel and the meeting was extended for an extra hour - with everyones consent - to accommodate this. Council was criticised for their misleading notifications, and lack of clarity about the process and residents asked for further communication to residents not attending so they would be aware the process was ongoing. ............................................................................................................... Crs Langdon and Mulholland also attended the meeting. Cr Mullholland assured the audience that a further meeting with the community would take place to allow for questions raised at this meeting to be answered by the schools consultants. ............................................................................................................. It was also clarified by Council staff, that further submissions on the Plan were in fact welcome, despite the email contact for submissions being removed from the Council website. .............................................................................................................. Councils Planners are keen to hear of any new points or examples of amenity impacts on individulas, groups or the community generally . .......................................................................................................... Multiple submissions from individuals or groups are appreciated where new points are made in each submission. ............................................................................................................ It was discussed that Council should readvertise the Plan, making clear that submissions were still being sought. ............................................................................................................. The email for comments is devplan@banyule.vic.gov.au and the Ivnahoe Grammar School Plans are still on the Banyule website at http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Services/Planning/Proposed-Ivanhoe-Grammar-School-Development-Plan ............................................................................................................... Ivanhoe MLA Anthony Carbines was an apology for the meeting but sent a represenative to make notes. He was briefed by Council staff during the day.
10. Aug, 2013
There will be a Residents Meeting this Saturday at Seddon St Uniting Church Hall , Ivanhoe Village to discuss issues around the IGS Plan - speakers will outllne the proposed Plan, take comments from the floor and seek a concensus on ensuring better Council consultation with residents on the Plan. NOT THIS PLAN ! garden signs will be available for $10 and names will be taken for various tasks in a community campaign, including legal, media. and planning advice, letter boxing, letter writing, and petitions. All residents of Banyule affected by the Plan are invited to attend and express their views.
10. Aug, 2013
This is the Council Run meeting where the IGS Consultants will run though the Plan and answer questions from residents. Email devplan@banyule.vic.gov.au to confirm your attendance. Those who have already made a submission to the Plan will receive an invitation but others may attend by jsut turning up. Obviously Council staff would like an idea of numbers = so email ahead if you can . The meeting goes from 6pm to 8pm at 3 separate venues within the Town Hall. We suggest you choose the open forum venue when you contact council to RSVP = That way you will be able to speak and also hear everyone else's points.
11. Aug, 2013
Residents Meeting? - contact the Fairy Hills Residents Group via the Contact Page of this website and leave your address and phone number to show you are interested in being part of this group. Council Meeting ? - contact the Councils Planning Dept Email devplan@banyule.vic.gov.au Or Call Andy Wilson on 9457 9889.; Joel Elbourne 94579874
11. Aug, 2013
Send your response by Mail - Development Planning PO Box 51, IVANHOE 3079. Email devplan@banyule.vic.gov.au ; Questions about the Plan can be addressed to Andy Wilson 9457 9889 - Andy Wilson [Andy.Wilson@banyule.vic.gov.au] Joel Elbourne 94579874 Joel Elbourne [joel.elbourne@banyule.vic.gov.au]
14. Aug, 2013
Beware of using incorrect Plans
Please note the current Plan on the IGS website is outdated by some years and should NOT be used to assess the Plan - You will find all the correct Plans and Documents on the Banyule Council Website http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Services/Planning/Proposed-Ivanhoe-Grammar-School-Development-Plan
14. Aug, 2013
Not enough time to comment ?
If you are unhappy about the ammount of time Council has allowed to comment on the Plan please mention this in your written submission to the Plan - We are concerned Council will be only considering submissions for a short time and that more submissions will not be accepted after the Information Evening on Tuesday. We also have no idea if and when the promised Residents Representative Group will meet and how issues brought up by the community will be investigated . The Grammar has taken 12 months beyond its own stated deadline ( Rod Fraser in Dec 2011 at a Council Meeting ) - to provide plans to Council, with much Council time spent chasing up issues with the school that were not addressed by that time.
14. Aug, 2013
How to have more feedback on the Plans
We believe a series of information evenings or afternoons over time - will be needed to hear and respond to community concerns about loss of amenity, traffic and parking, and dangers to our roads within the Plan. The residents group are asking for further meetings on the Plan - preferably at Buckley Hall (upstairs ) off The Ridgeway - so people can walk to the venue not drive. We have had previous meetings about other school plans in 2011 and also earlier at this location .This would also reduce Councils and indirectly rate payers expenses in paying for a venue.
14. Aug, 2013
We are also now concerned that the Ivanhoe Grammar School is seeking more control over Chelsworth Park. This is an area of Council and community sports grounds by the river that are currently rented to the school. The school is seeking to over ride the local Tennis Club there and control all bookings that were previously under community control. We are worried that ultimately Council will remove any community control over the land. - It has done this previously by allowing the school to landscape the unmade road between two residential streets abutting the school land and then added the land to their title without any provision of a covenant on the title to retain community access - even though this was assured when Council made the decison . The school has recently started to cut off community access to areas of other previous public right of ways and the new Plan shows further blockages Please contact, in writing, Councils two planners dealing with the consultation evening AND also eventually forming the decision on the schools proposals - to request more information about the expansion of the schools control over public land and how this ties in with the removal of its existing on site tennis courts as part of the Plan.
14. Aug, 2013
Residents met at the beautiful old Fire Station in Ivanhoe at Cafe Barrio to discuss the Ivanhoe Grammar Development Plan proposed for 2013 to 2019.
Preparation of the plan is a requirement of the Development Plan Overlay covering the schools site under the Banyule Planning Scheme and State Govt Planning Regulations.
Residents are very unhappy with several aspects of the Plan and have decided to create a website to discuss the issues with the broader community . Residents will also be be attending further local meetings with political representatives as well as Council staff and will make submissions and encourage others to make written submissions to the Plan. Please send submisions to council planning staff at least until 16th Aug 2013 - either by post or email at devplan@banyule.vic.gov.au.
Council has advised that all submitters will receive an invitation to attend a briefing on Tues the 20th Aug at Ivanhoe Civic Centre 6-8pm