Under the Recommendations for the New IGS Development Plan approved at the June 9th Council Meeting, a new Car Park with 128 minimum car spaces and extra pedestrian ways and bicycle spaces is required under the IGS South Ground before
any use can be made of the proposed new SPORTS CENTRE
An entrance will be provided off Russell St ( north of the existing entrance at the school Maintenance area ) with with the entrance /exit to Russell St design to prevent car headlights affecting
The Underground Car Park will also have an entrance internal to the site - off the school ground area, near Locklsey House ( near the southern goal posts )
The South Oval Car park will be accessed from 6am via the Russell st
Entrance and until 10pm at night and from 7am for staff only at the internal entrance - which can be reached by both the Fairy St and Elphin St Car Parks. No access will be provided to parents and visitors from Fairy and Elphin Sts but parents
and visitors will at times be able to use the new Russell St entrance
Visitors attending the SPORTS CENTRE will also be able to drive through the SOUTH OVAL Car Park and onto the exisiting
Maintemance Shed Car Park - to drop off students and visitors to the new double court multi use SPORTS CENTRE. This Car Park will have a safe turning circle for cars to faciliatate drop off and pick up
The exisiting Russell Gates at
the Maintenance Shed Car Park will be for maintenance satff access only. Any car spaces lost in the Maintenance Shed area due to the drop off pick up arrangements OR to storage of maintenance equipment - will have to be supplied
in the underground South Oval Car Park. ( so it may need to be bigger than 128 spaces )
Will the staff actually use this new Car
Park ?
Will this expensive Car Park entice staff to use it or will they try and dodge the parking inspectors in local streets ?
Will this Car Park solve
the parking issues further north in the school ? OR will staff find it inconvenient ?
Will this Car Park be properly controlled by IGS to help prevent street parking after hours by visitors to the New SPORTS CENTRE
(Council has alowed IGS to hire out the facility to other users until 9.30 -10pm weekdays )
Will it be monitored for drug deals and skate boading mishaps after hours - or will this be too costly
How can we prevent visitor parking in local streets after 6pm and before 7am ? - and encourage after hours use of the NEW SOUTH OVAL CAR PARK instead ?
Some suggestions
- The new South Oval Car Park should be built closer to the new Senior Centre with an internal goods lift to encourage staff to use it
- The new South Oval
Car Park should have a security guard outside of school hours or when it is open open to the public ( This would be coslty but could be incorporated into fees for the SPORTS STADIUM USERS
- The new South Oval Car
Park should have a staff-only locked gate mechanism ( say a swipe pass for roller door or sliding gate access- to prevent access by unwanted visitors during school times ( students should also have this access as promised by IGS in our IGRIG Meetings
- The locked door and / or gate mechanisms would also deter unauthorised use after hours
- There should be no parking fess for the use of the Car Park at any time
- Its purpose is to reduce the impact of steet parking particualry by visitors to the Sports Centre after hours
- Pedestrain access to the Sports Centre after hours should also be via this Car Park ONLY
so cars do not park insead in the surrounding streets after hours