Election of IGS Working /Interest Group
5 of 12 Residents put forward - make it onto 10 person RI/WG
5 of the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Nominees have been appointed to Councils 10 person IGS Residents Interest / Working Group. The Group will meet briefly before Xmas this year. All meetings will be chaired by a Council officer, with minutes also recorded
by Council staff, - as was the case with a similar group which looked at the first IGS Development Plan in the late 1990s and where a more complete, detailed School Plan evolved which addressed many of the Residents concerns with the Schools initial plans
for the Primary School and Science Wing extensions proposed at that time as well as the existing and percieved future traffic and parking problems - However as the years have passed, and residents have not been consulted over changes at the school - Many of
the concessions around parking and traffic achieved earlier though have been eroded by new developments and ongoing construction activity - to the point where we now have a worse situation than existed back in the late 1990s Residents chosen by Council
for the NEW Residents "Interest" / Working group are:- Robyn Roberts - Fairy St John Petsas - Scotts Parade Mick Ross - Roger Canty - Marshall St Paul Greenhill - Roger Trowbridge - Waterdale Rd Robyn Sullivan
- Redesdale Rd David Cox - Chriso Kyriacou - Nina Kelleher - ( Fairy Hills Ivanhoe nominated Reps are given with their streets but other reps streets will be added when we have their permission to do this - We are not sure of the
preferred community contact method for all the Reps yet either but these will also be added )
Results - what next ? and many thanks !
The Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group would like to thank all Candidates for putting themselves forward to work on the Communities behalf and wish them all the luck in that endeavour as events progress - It really is a considerable step to put a public CV on
the web and be prepared to be answerable to your community - You are all to be admired !!! One thing we saw on Sunday was a great show of solidarity amongst the candidates - Not only in supporting the same ideas for the future amenity of the community
as a whole - but also in the way candidates shared the space as they interacted during the Q and A with the audience, and in their own personal short speeches - such a positive VIBE ....... We saw respect, affection and trust which is something to be treasured
as a community Overall Results Those elected and achieving the highest results, were in the main those who attended to speak at the meeting. Several candidates could not attend due to previous commitments -but their Bios were
read out and embellished by others as best possible .... but it appears the “in person” effect is significant Those who missed out were Robyn Chandler from Russell St and Roger Canty from Marshall St - very sad of course, but we will all
stay in touch and continue to all work as a team = As I stated at the meeting ( in a reply to a question) - all Candidates will be recommended to Council - 10 were elected - BUT all were supported Back up Candidates All of the
Back Up Candidates present spoke at the meeting after the main Q and A - which helped the community know more about the other people also prepared to work on their behalf. We did NOT have a formal tick box vote as proposed - as in the rush to be organised
that form had not been printed - but people responded warmly to the Backup Candidates comments and I sure that they all were admired by those who attended - both for the words they said and questions they answered and in all cases also for all the work they
did either at the meeting or in the lead up to it Thanks As a method of accountability - all of the Banyule Councillors were invited to Sundays Election. Many thanks go to Councillor Craig Langdon who came and observed the process
and listened to all the speakers - He also briefly returned to watch the vote count . Cr Mulholland ( Griffin Ward - includes Ivanhoe ) was unable to attend and Cr Briffa ( Hawdon Ward - around Greensborough ) sent an apology. The community is grateful
to all our Councillors for their earlier engagement with this group on the IGS Dev Plan process and especially to Councillor Langdon who was able to attend on the day - albeit sharing his time between two different local residents events ! Our many
thanks also go to Geoff Baker ( Previous Griffin Ward Councillor ) - our Independent Returning Officer, who oversaw the whole election process, including the vote count and preference back-count for the 10th and final elected Candidate. We had a very effective
team of assistants in John Merory, Adrian Ramp and Al Stafford, and several scrutineers as well - Suzanne O'Kane, Robyn Roberts and Robyn Sullivan supervised most of the count . Thanks also go to all who helped with the election, registering voters,
registering and receiving proxy votes, setting up the room, and pinning up the large maps showing where the candidates lived. Prior to the event many also assisted with writing, printing and delivering the Fairy hills Newsletter and with consulting over the
format of the meeting and method of voting. - So many contributed and they have all been thanked separately by letter, as without them we would not have been able to carry out this process at all.
Background to the Election of Community Reps for the Councils RW/IG
The Vote is on SUNDAY 10th Nov at 2.30, for 3pm-5pm Seddon St Uniting Church Ivanhoe.
On this page you will find : - Ballot Papers (print out for Proxy Votes) - includes a brief outline of the aim for the vote
- Candidate Statements (including addresses - to show where they live around the school )
- The Nomination
procedure ( now closed )
- Explanation of Optional Preferential Voting
- Explanation of the Ballot Paper
- Details of the Independent Returning Officer for the Election
- A list of backup Candidates ( and their statements) - for
whom we are seeking backing via a tick the box process )
There is also information on how this process was derived in a copy of the Fairy Hills Newsletter held on this site - see Newsletter no 17 on the menu at left. PROXY VOTES
The Ballot Papers are published on this site - so that Proxy Votes can be printed off, filled in, and then passed on to other residents who are attending the Vote. Only one proxy vote paper is allowed per actual attendee. The
Vote is on SUNDAY 10th Nov at Seddon St Uniting Church Ivanhoe. Residents wil arrive and declare their address within the vote area - and will then recieive a Ballot Paper ( coloured ) Candidates will give a 1 min staement and take a max of 3 questions
- then the vote will be held For more details about completing valid Proxy Votes see further down this page Further down the page also - is a list of "Back Up" Candidates (and their candidate statements ) These are people who we also
hope to have endorsed at the Sunday 10th meeting - but there will just be a tick- (or cross) - the - box form for this process Those people elected wil be forwarded to Council as part of the Council EOI Process (more details in the Nomination section
below or the Fairy Hills Newsletter Document)
Ballot Papers - for Proxy Voters - Candidate Statements & Instructions below
Ballot Paper Community Voting for 10 representatives for IGS Working / “Interest “ Group – 3 from each area, EAST, WEST and SOUTH of IGS - Plus one extra Rep MARK each column
with the numbers 1-12 for candidates you prefer – You may choose to NOT mark a preference for any candidate . There are three (3) people to be elected in each area PLUS one extra candidate from preferences.
West (Heidleberg Rd end of School) |
| Wayne Barlow | | Philip
Beart | | Roger Canty | |
Robyn Chandler/Papatheohari | | Angela Harridge |
| Peter Kennedy | | Dave King | | John Petsas | | Paul Simmons | | Robyn Roberts | | Robyn Sullivan |
| Roger Trowbridge |
South (The Boulevard end of School) | | Wayne Barlow |
| Philip Beart | | Roger Canty | | Robyn Chandler/Papatheohari | | Angela Harridge | | Peter Kennedy | | Dave King | |
John Petsas | | Paul Simmons | | Robyn Roberts | | Robyn Sullivan | |
Roger Trowbridge | East
( Chelsworth Park side of School) | | Wayne Barlow | | Philip Beart | | Roger Canty | | Robyn
Chandler/Papatheohari | | Angela Harridge | | Peter
Kennedy | | Dave King | | John Petsas |
| Paul Simmons | | Robyn Roberts | | Robyn Sullivan | | Roger Trowbridge | |
| PLEASE NOTE: * You are choosing the best 10 Reps – others will be regarded by this community group as potential stand-ins when a vacancy
arises * The members should come from all areas around the school to represent each area adequately, so there are three ballots on this page which need to be filled in * All candidates should have an overview of issues
that concern the whole community and should be someone you think will do a good job in representing those views * The extra member will be the person who obtains the most votes overall from each of the 3 ballot papers but was not elected
Nominee Statements -for RW/IG Main group of 10 - Election Sun10th Nov
Dave King Residency: 13 years Location: The Boulevard near the school (east)
Relevant Skills: Participation: My name is Dave King and with my wife and two teenage girls, we live on The Boulevard, near the Grammar School. We are locals and have loved
the Ivanhoe area for thirteen years. We will be directly affected by the proposed development and I have been a strong representative in pushing to ensure the residents are appropriately represented. I believe that I would make a
suitable representative, based on the following : - Strong public speaker;
- Worked closely with City of Melbourne Council on funding agreements, events, dispute resolution and Councillor relationships;
- Management committees;
- Been involved with contract and enterprise agreement negotiations;
- Have managed teams:
- Qualified auditor and legal background;
- Managed my own business:
As President of a prominent business network, within
the City of Melbourne LGA, I have regularly spoken to audiences of 40 to 400 people. The position has also required me to manage and lead the association in negotiating grants, agreements, sponsorship and managing a committee of 10. I have several
business qualifications as well as auditing and have previously studied law. I am a qualified airline pilot and have managed crews of 14, for several days at a time. I am determined to ensure that our community is not adversely affected
by the proposed plans and that proper processes are used. Our community is too important to allow it to be compromised for the benefit of only one neighbour. Common sense must prevail to ensure the outcomes do not disadvantage any one person.
I intend to represent the communities views to ensure our concerns heard. | | Robyn Roberts Residency:
37 years Location: Fairy St cnr 53 Waterdale Rd Relevant Skills: public speaking, know local planning scheme, know how the Schools first Dev Plan was assessed ( on Committee);
work in several schools per year - public and private – understand the structure and curriculum challenges. Many experiences with VCAT and local planners including current CEO over 13 years; Know nearly all members of fairyhillsivanhoe.com email list
plus many more in the community from many previous community groups including Save Ivanhoe and various VCAT Challenges as well as 4 children at primary school locally (now grown up) where I was involved in fete committees etc Participation:
Co Ed Fairy Hills News – 15 years ; 12 years Venue Coord - Ivanhoe Knights B Ball Club; Many Planning submissions to Council Planning Scheme and State Planning Scheme; Banyule Planning Network Cordinator; Organiser with Peter
Kennedy, first meetings fairyhillsivanhoe.com group; manage email list and website for same as well as notification of meetings and running of meetings. I aim to provide the best possible advice to residents about events that permanently shape our amenity
and to represent everyone potentially affected by the IGS Plan - Contact -jroberts@alphalink.com.au | Wayne Barlow
Residency: 62 years Location: 1 Elphin Street - ( east ) Note: we are adjacent to the IGS property boundary and swimming pool at the southern end of the Ridgeway
campus. Participation: Prior Experience with IGS Development Plans: I have had some direct experience with the previous Development Plans, as
well as direct contact with the school administrative staff over many years. I have also lived at this address (my old family home) since my childhood days from 1951. Revevant Skills &
experience: Formal Qualifications: BE (Mech), DIP Mech Eng; Held the position of Chief Engineer and Plant Manager with a division of a large national & international packaging company located in the inner Melbourne suburbs.
Have had hands-on experience with emissions & environmental issues and associated compliance matters involving direct dealings with Government departments including the EPA, the DLI, the Department of Minerals & Energy, the Department of Communications
as well as responsibility for factory Risk Management & OH&S matters, Hazardous Materials storage & handling compliance, plus capital projects management. Availability:
Being retired I do not have any work constraints and can be available to meet and consult with local residents and attend meetings at most times. I have lived at this address since 1951 and so have an extensive historical knowledge of the Fairy
Hills area including a detailed knowledge of The Ridgeway, adjoining streets and the IGS campus. Regards, Wayne | | Roger Trowbridge Residency: 21 years Location: 37 Waterdale Rd – between Elphin St and The Boulevard Relevant
skills: I bring to this position the skills of social science (senior lecturer, retired): community consultation and negotiation, issue analysis, problem solving, and community organisation. With a background in psychology, philosophy and education
I am well equipped to play a significant role in small and large group process, in sustained and strenuous debate, in the formulation of constructive and creative solutions, and in particular the relentless pursuit of the goals of those I represent. Participation:
My wife, Petrina, and I are intimately acquainted with the Ivanhoe Grammar School precinct and its people as we run, walk and cycle throughout this neighbourhood. Since becoming aware of this issue I have actively participated in several public meetings,
in drafting submissions and letterboxing. I have the time, energy, experience and commitment for this role. | Paul Simmons Residency:
41 years Location: Russell Street, (opposite IGS's southern oval) Relevant Skills: know a bit about the planning scheme,
was successful against BCC at VCAT, public speaking, good at analyzing issues, 3 daughters attended IGGS (now grown up). good communicator, good listener. Volunteer Member of the Wesley Court Aged Care Management Council for several years. Participation:
Attended public meetings during the Save Ivanhoe Campaign, involved early in this current campaign to ensure residents views are know and taken into account. Have spoken at BCC meetings recently on IGS Dev Plan and Chelsworth Park Lease
to IGS, attended many meetings of the fairyhillsivanhoe community interest group. Contact: psimmons@bigpond.net.au | | Angela Harridge Residency: 27 years Location: The Ridgeway ( north ie near Lwr Heidleberg Rd ) Relevant Skills: As a Teacher/Teacher
Librarian I've had many years of experience in: classroom management; course development; behaviour management; interacting with members of the wider school communities; strategic planning; change management; school structure and curriculum needs; chairing
of school and parent committees; management committees: public speaking; conference presentations; problem solving; professional network facilitation; and OH&S management and training. I am an active blogger (both professional and personal) and the
founder of Snuggle Quilts (a group of volunteer quilters). Participation: My husband, Wayne, and I moved to The Ridgeway with our children (now adults) 27 years ago. Over the years we have both been actively involved
in the local community in a variety of capacities, including an ongoing dialogue with the council over planning and parking issues. I am Co-Editor of the Fairy Hills News, and have been involved, as a community representative, in several planning groups
organised by Banyule Council - including being a member of the first IGS Development Plan Working Group where, I believe, we were able to be an active representative voice of the local community. My experience on the first IGS Development Plan Working
Group confirmed (for me) how open, collaborative dialogue can bring about mutual understanding, compromise and change. I am very pleased that both the Council and IGS have decided to undertake the same process with this Development Plan. It acknowledges
the significant influence the school has within our local community, and the effect its decisions can have on local amenity. We are directly affected by the school on a daily basis, and I understand the importance of ensuring that residents’ needs
and concerns are heard before final, ongoing decisions are made. I aim to be an active representative voice. | Kerry and Roger Canty Residency:
Ivanhoe resident since I was 7. I moved to the Dandenongs when I married but kept in touch through parents living in Marshall Street. I have lived continuously at this address since 2002. Location:
20 Marshall Street – between Pine Street and Scotts Parade Relevant Skills: - Involved in teaching and school management for 35 years
- Teacher of business and legal studies
- Member of school councils, including finance committees for many years
- Strong public speaker and excellent understanding of meeting procedures
- Time and energy to join this committee as I am semi/retired
- Willingness
to represent local residents.
Participation: I have attended most meetings in the latest IGS plan, and also attended meetings for the previous IGS development for years 7-8 building. |
| Philip Beart Residency: 28 yrs Location: 87-89 The Boulevard, Ivanhoe (house also fronts Scotts Parade
– 50 metres from IGS in Russell St) Relevant Skills: Understanding of issues: spoken effectively at several community meetings @ Banyule Council, Uniting Church & Golf Club. Active linking IGS issues to Chelsworth
Pk. Member Warringal Preservation Society 20 yrs. Experience: Working with community groups - defence of Chelsworth Pk Tennis Club (member more than 20 yrs). Met with MP Anthony Carbines. Writing & Communication – 20 yrs experience chair/member
of international and Australian committees in education, scientific, government & medical research. Extensive public speaking. 4. Availability: willing and able to attend meetings, including during working day if necessary. – contact
9499-7126 | Peter Kennedy Residency: 25 years Location: Merton St ( east ) Relevant
Skills: excellent public speaker; and public relations skills ; business experience ( Company Director ) Participation; Excellent contribution to Residents Meetings on the relevant issues; including graphic summaries on powerpoint
; Original letterboxer and co- instigator of residents group and website; significant letterboxing contribution 2 children thru local schools - 2 x IEPS, 1 x IGGS, 1 x IGS. | | Robyn Sullivan Residency: 10 years Location: 27 Redesdale Rd - near Boulevard Relevant Skills:
Negotiation and consensus development, analysis and written communication. Background in investment management, change management and research ethics committees. Participation: Part of Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group since
inception, spoken at Council Meeting and local residents meetings. Regards Robyn S | Robyn Papatheohari / Chandler
Residency: 20 years Location: Russell St near Pine St opposite schools new year 7/8 centre Relevant Skills: public speaking, negotiation, consulting,
strategy; background in business consulting and lecturing Participation: Spoken at council meeting supporting residents group; active in East Ivanhoe community since 2000 via primary and preschools | | John Petsas Residency: Ivanhoe - over 30 years Location: 3 Scotts Parade Relevant
Skills: Worked in Banking for over 15 years dealing with large multi-national companies in areas of credit analysis, marketing as well as managing large and difficult structured finance
transactions in areas of law, engineering, funding as well as construction Currently own a small business in Ivanhoe and am Vice President of the Ivanhoe Traders Association
dealing with members of Banyule City Council routinely on matters of marketing of the Ivanhoe Shopping Centre as well as relevant Councillors with respect to policy and funding of the Ivanhoe Shopping Centre I am also a local property developer and have had ample experience in areas of Town Planning, dealing with Banyule City Council Planning Department, Traffic Consultants, Town Planners, Landscape Architects,
Engineers, Architects as well as Property Lawyers and experiences with VCAT Participation : Vice President of the Ivanhoe Traders Member of the East Ivanhoe Bowls Club Member
of Chelsworth Park Tennis Club Member of The Bell Street Mall Traders Association |
| | |
Nominee Statements -for RW/IG Backups - Meet and greet - Sun10th
Leanda Merritt Residency: 22 years Location: 12 Elphin St Ivanhoe ( east
) Relevant Skills: Husband Glenn on first IGS Dev Plan Working Group; Working with the public in a Council setting Participation: Children attended local Fairy Hills
kindergarten , local primary school and secondary school (Children now grown up) Convenor 2007 for IGS parents kayak committee, Committee member of Team Ivanhoe ski team, attended VCAT hearings for inappropriate development in the local Fairy Hills
area. | | Kerry Canty Residency: 11 years but visiting same location over decades
with husband Roger ( - his parents in Marshall St ) Location: 20 Marshall Street – between Pine Street and Scotts Parade Particpation: I have attended most meetings in the latest IGS plan, and also
attended meetings for the previous IGS development. Relevant skills: - Involved in teaching and school management for 25 years
- Teacher of business and legal studies subjects
- Member of school
councils, including finance committees.
| Sue Simmons Residency: 33 years Location: Russell St, (opposite
IGS’s southern oval) Relevant Skills - Some experience with the planning scheme through a successful case against BCC at VCAT.
- Good communication skill
- Ability to analyse information.
- Employed in as a procurement and pharmacy assistant in a large charity animal hospital.
- Currently studying Vet Nursing.
- Secretary of a sporting group for 10 years.
Participation. Attended public meetings
during the Save Ivanhoe Campaign, involved early in this current campaign to ensure residents views are expressed and taken into account. Have addressed the BCC meetings recently on IGS Develpment Plan and Chelsworth Park Lease to IGS, attending meeting
of the fairyhillsivanhoe community interest group. Contact: syhergy8@hotmail.com | | Richard Drew Residency: 5 years Location: The Boulevard ( east ) close to school; (immediate neighbour to Dave King for whom I could be a back up)
Relevant Skills: Structural/Civil Engineer Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Master of Design Studies ; Director of a national consulting engineering firm ; Experience in the design and engineering of urban developments,
including educational buildings in Australia and overseas. Skills in engineering planning and design. Participation: Part of Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group since inception | Geoff Purcell Residency: 16 years Location: Fairy St (East) Relevant Skills: - 30 years senior management experience with multinational
- Managed and participated on scores of cross functional project teams
- Designed and project managed construction of large distribution facilities
- Experienced negotiator
- Process orientated
- Relatively
time flexible
Participation: - Attended and spoke at all but one resident’s meeting
- Presented overview of community petitions at BCC meeting
- Participated in the meeting with council prior to
formal meeting
- 2 children currently attending IGS and IGGS
My position is that the IGS must respect the wishes of the residents and work with RW/IG to develop a fair and sustainable plan and be a part of the local community. Geoff
Purcell M: 0407 127 016 | | Barbara Gittings Residency: 34 years
Location: 34 Marshall Street Relevant Skills: retired;I have worked in local business. I consider myself a person of integrity Participation: I am interested
in:- maintaining the character of Ivanhoe, particularly the areas around I.G.S. and Chelsworth Park. - the acknowledgement of ratepayers contributions, which enable Council to undertake necessary public works etc, for the betterment
of the community. I have had 4 children at kindergartens & primary schools in Ivanhoe (grown up now), have been involved in school committees etc. Barbara Gittings
| Peter Brook Residency: 20 years Location: The Boulevard. Opposite to the Ivanhoe
grammar site and on the river side in the special Yarra River environment. Relevant Skills: The design Director of Peddle Thorp one of Australia's largest Architectural practices. He has been responsible for a number of major
sports projects including Greensborough Watermarc and Melbourne sports and Aquatics Centre. He is also currently working on renovations to the Ivanhoe pool in Waterdale Rd. He has also experience in Master planning a number School projects. Peter provides
a a design and technical resource to the group that covers virtually every aspect of the IGS master plan. He also has extensive experience in working through VCAT cases and working with many of Melbourne's expert consultants. Participation:
Recent contributer to Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Group detailed discussions on planning ; has attended earlier meetings as well ; regular walker at Chelsworth Park and around Fairy Hills. Comments by Robyn Roberts. ( with additions Peter Brook ) |
| Paul Gittings Residency: since 1979 with wife Barbara Location: 34 Marshall
St Relevant Skills; - I was Treasurer of Chelsworth Park Tennis Club for nine years and have served on several school committees - I was a part owner of a local real estate agency
for over 20 years. Participation; - I am concerned that the proposed expansion of the IGS business does not come at the loss of community ambience and amenity. - I
am a Director of Heidelberg District Community Enterprise Pty Ltd the local franchise holder of the Bendigo Community Bank in Ivanhoe East & Heidelberg. A philanthropic company designed to support local community. Regards Barbara & Paul
Gittings | Fabbio Piccini Residency: 10 years Location: The Boulevard ( close to and west
of school ) Relevant Skills: Experienced building surveyor Participation: Part of the Fairy Hills Ivanhoe email list Comments delayed
due to death in family - no contacts please at present | | Ralph Brown Residency: 20+ years
Location: Gilbert Rd Relevant Skills: Participation: Committee Uniting Church Ivanhoe ; Member and organising group Community Garden
Ivanhoe ; Comments: Robyn Roberts -to be completed by candidate | Catherine O'Hehir Residency:
30 years Location: Redesdale Rd ( north ) Relevant Skills: Nursing ( organisational and people skills ); Clear speaker and logical thinker
- able to articulate ideas to others succinctly; Keen cyclist and regular dog walker and have had 3 children who attended local schools. - I know a large cross section of the community and meet up with many
of them frequently as a cyclist and as walker at Chelsworth Park Participation: Fairy Hills Ivanhoe Resident meetings and email list, plus Council Meetings on IGS Plan ; early contributor
to Fairy Hills part of Councils Neighbourhood Character Policy and also to Ivanhoe Structure Plan meetings. | | Kathy
Oswin Residency: 9 years Nyorie Court and 12 years Clarke Rd ( both south of the Boulevard ) Location: Nyorie Court Relevant Skills: Clinical
Psychologist and teacher IGG 20 years; Aware of local Planning Controls; On several high level committees at Austin Hospital Participation: Ryder Cheshire Ivanhoe committee and volunteer; Ryder Cheshire Victoria
Committee ; attended Ivanhoe Structure Plan meetings and part of the Save Ivanhoe Group; Letterboxing for Fairy Hills Group and Save Ivanhoe | David Jaffe Residency: 15
years Location: 146 The Boulevard Relevant Skills: Career in Business Strategy, Project Management and Business Communication Parent
of two children of school age Participation: Actively involved in the local community in sports - Soccer, East Ivanhoe Cricket ; local choir; and also an orienteering club Have attended various Local
Meetings on the IGS Developement Plan. David Jaffe (david_jaffe@limebridge.com.au) | | Adrian Ramp Residency: 40 years Location: Fairy St ( west end ) Relevant Skills: Retired Lecturer
/ Teacher Information Systems and Accounting; Children grown up now - more time for involvement Participation: My wife Jan is a keen dog walker over many years and consequently knows lots of residents,
which is great for feedback; Both of us are on theFairy Hills Ivanhoe Resident email list and have attended IGS/ Dev Plan / Chelsworth meetings. I have Coached of a number of junior boys and girls basketball teams for Ivanhoe Knights
– while the kids, Anton and Anna, were playing. Founding member of Heidelberg Childrens Co-op. Jan lobbied successfully for the installation of the play equipment in Sparks Reserve. |
Please send in your Nominee statement ASAP
As part of a parallel process to the existing Council EOI for members to be on a Residents Working /Interest Group for the Ivanhoe Grammar School Development Plan, Fairy Hills Residents are conducting a ballot on Sunday 10th Nov - to submit a Group
EOI to Council - made of people elected by the community for their skills and experience and reliability and accountability - as Representatives. This page holds details of all nominees - a brief statement addressing criteria described in the Fairy
Hills Newsletter already delivered throughout Fairy Hills both in hard and ecopy. The full Newsletter is also availbale on this site ( see Newsletter no 17 ) So far - several statements are available - Please see below - More
will be added as they come to hand, either via our CONTACTS page or jroberts@alphalink.com.au; Those nominating for the permanent RW/IG - and remaining unelected - will also be available as back ups if the permanent
member is unavailable; but a separate backup group is also nominating for community oversight - see that group, below the list of nominees for the permanent Residents Working /Interest Group Remember you can nominate via our contact page and
the complete process is outlined in the copy of the Fairy Hills Newsletter you will have received by letterbox ( and in some cases email ) - contact us if you like to be added to our email list for updates on the issues described on this site)
- A current copy of the Fairy Hills Newsletter is on our Fairy Hills Newsletter page - Newsletter No 17 Nominations - The newsletter has asked nominees to
submit a less than 250 word statement addressing several criteria, however in the interests of readiblity on this website perhaps less than 100 words is a better idea ? They aslo need to give their address and length of residency at that address. People
who would be happy as backups in the event of one of the working group being unbale to make a particular meeting should also nominate and are listed in a following table - We may have time at the meeting on the 10th to also get an idea of the acceptability
of those residents to the overall group - See outlines in both those lists below to get an idea of what you could submit
What is optional preferential voting ?
Optional preferential voting From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Optional Preferential Voting (OPV) is a system of vote-casting used in the states of Queensland and New South Wales in the Commonwealth of Australia. Most Australian elections are run under full-preference preferential voting, where all candidates must be numbered in order of the preference of the voter, or the vote will not be counted. Under OPV, voters may choose to mark a preference for
one candidate (effectively voting as though it were a first-past-the-post election), all candidates or any number of candidates in between.[1] Although complete numbering is not required under the OPV system (effectively a full-preference vote), single-preference voters are supposed to use a '1' rather than a tick or cross. In practice,
ticks or crosses are still considered valid votes as the intention is clear.[2] In other countries, such as
Malta, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland, full preferences are not required. This form of voting allows for one single candidate or candidates of similar ideology to be endorsed by a voter rather
than directing preferences to all candidates. Counting the Votes http://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/voting.aspx?id=91 Ballot papers are counted in each polling booth after the close of polling at 6.00pm on polling day and included in the election night count. After polling day the Returning Officer for
each electoral district counts all types of votes including absent, postal and pre-poll votes. These are all added to the official count by the Returning Officer.
The counting of the votes is done in stages; If no candidate has an absolute majority the transfer of preferences is done by: This process is continued until
a candidate has an absolute majority of the votes and that candidate is then declared “elected”. For more information on the voting system please see our OPV Fact Sheet. Fairy Hills Ivanhoe RW/IG Vote OUR VOTE ON SUNDAY - is NOT aiming for ONE WINNER Instead we are choosing 3 "winners" for each area and then an extra "winner"
based on combined preferences To the process above we will add that : - ONE area or zone
is counted first
- That zone elects 3 people by a preferential system that does not allocate the first person after they have enough votes - instead the candidate with least votes is eliminated and their
preferences are redistributed and this process continues only 3 piles remain and three candidates are chosen
- Once we have those 3 candidates - the next area is counted and any candidate already elected in a previous area
has to be discounted - So that any vote allocated to them in that next area or zone is passed to the next eligible candidate acording to the preferneces on each ballot paper;
- Preferences are distributed as before,
with those obtaining the smallest vote having their preferences redisributed until there are only 3 candidates remaining again
- The last area is counted in the same way
The extra person
is elected by: - The recording of the preferences at each stage of the count ( each reditribution) in each area
- Of the reminaing 3 unelected candidates ( 9 are now elected ) - the
one with the most preferences wins - this can be backtrached if neccessary by looking at the record of preferences sheet
Ballot Papers
As the aim of the voters to elect 10 people as representatives for the Councils Residents Working / Interest Group which will work closely with Council and IGS in resolving issues around the schools proposed 5 year Development Plan In addition, a Council decision has
stipulated that the group must consist of reps from the areas east, west, and south of the School equally - so we will endeavour in this election process to mimic that intention and provide 3 Reps from each of those areas - plus one general Rep We will publish the final papers at least by Saturday ( hopefully Fri ) - so people can vote by proxy if they can
find another resident able to bring their vote along. These votes can be a faxed / or an emailed and printed out version of the ballot paper; OR an extact hand copied version, drawing up your own boxes on a blank sheet - copying the
format on the website. The non-emailed ballots must be filled in and signed; Emailed copies may have the voting described in words if absolutley neccessary. All ballots must be placed in a sealed
envelope with the voters name normal address and phone no on the front. Ballots given out on the day will be on different coloured paper to distinguish them from proxy votes - This ensure
all votes received have come from those distributed at the meeting or recorded agnaist a particular residents name - People will collect their ballots as they arrive - giving their street address to attendants near the door
Independent Returning Officer
Geoff Baker Retired Chartered Accountant Past Banyule City Councillor Griffin Ward 1997 - 2000 Previously an officer of numerous community organisations both local and across Melbourne Geoff will
be there at 2.45pm to view the handing out of ballot papers and collection of Proxy Votes as well as throughout the event until a result is declared
Ordinary and Proxy Votes
- These must be sealed in an envelope and have the name and address and phone number of the VOTER on the outside
- They must be brought to the meeeting by another resident who is eligible to vote and who is attending
the meeting
- Only one proxy vote can be submitted per attending voter - these will only be collected at the start of the meeting as people arrive and will be placed in a sealed box until it is time to have all the votes counted.
- All residents
in the area of Heidleberg Rd - to Chelsworth Park and Lower Heidleberg Rd to the Yarra River are eligible to vote if they are over 18
- Scrutineers are welcome throughout the process : including and especially in the indentifying
of which residential names and addresses are eligible - both for enrolling voters (while collecting their ballot paper) and for proxy voters ( while their named envelope is added to the sealed box -for later counting )
- Ordinary ballot papers will
be on coloured paper to ensure they are those provided at the meeting.