Ivanhoe Structure Plan

MEETING SUNDAY 6th July - Residential Growth in CIVIC PRECINCT

Banyule Council's Civic Precinct Masterplan designates 3 areas of ratepayer-owned land, adjacent to and including the Civic Precinct, (Town Hall and Library site) - for Residential Development;  As well as destruction of the loved and unusual library building itself. The Plan goes to an open Council Meeting Monday 7th July at 7.30pm. To understand what is proposed and what could be LOST - and what residents can do to protect future public interest, local amentiy and access - please come to meeting to be held by the Fairy Hills Residents Group THIS SUNDAY - ALL Questions answered

"Protecting Heritage and Public Interest in Banyule"

 Sunday July 6th - 2.00pm for 2.30pm

Seddon St. Community Centre, Ivanhoe


Our Guest Speaker is

 Julianne Bell “Protectors of Public Land”

Everyone welcome / Gold coin donation 

More Information 0427 949 951/ 0411 154 914

News and Updates

There are several development proposals within the Ivanhoe Structure Plan area already aiming to capitalise on the higher height limits the Structure Plan has thrown open

- However several development proposals are OVER the suggested guidelines - which are already quite generous and many near Fairy Hills are asking for significant Parking Waivers

Of recent concern is the proposal for 145 - 157 and 159 Heidelberg Rd ( Darebin Precinct -  ie part of Fairy Hills ) - which is currently being appealed at VCAT by the developer - against Councils decision to "REFUSE" the application. Several residents have already objected to the proposal and already have the complete e copy of the Plans. Extra residents can still object but directly to VCAT -= by asking to be included in the action. There is NO cost we believe - to residents be added as a party to the case - as it is the developer who is making the Appeal. Council will be fighting the case at VCAT but it is always good to have resident backing and some people who can actually attend the case - So, consider taking action to protect the Structure Plan from those wishing to go outside its boundaries.

Contact Liz Fleming at Council 94579893 - leave a message for her to call back if not free - for any extra info, OR the FHI group via our contact page  

145 - 157 and 159 Heidelberg Rd ( Darebin Precinct)

This development proposal includes Parking Waivers and a footprint and height limit beyond the precinct guidelines - as well as some Vegetation Removal. It plans access direct to Heidelberg Rd and a large Cafe - also accessed from Heidelberg Rd. 41 Dwellings - several with balconies OVER the public domain are proposed

The Councils REFUSAL notice is very comprehensive and covers nearly all the  issues bar the Parking Waiver and Safety concerns on Heidelberg Rd

Residents  are wanting more people to object to VCAT regarding the both the Parking Waiver and ALL of Councils objections - Many have added other points about the asfety of access on Heidelberg Rd. To do this contact VCAT for the forms to fill in and if you need more help contact the Fairy Hills Residents Group via our contacts page

The Parking Waiver is something that all Developments are seeking around Ivanhoe  - The corner site at Marshall and Lower Heidelberg Rd was given a huge one;  The 1065 site on Heidelberg Rd also achieved a big one ( approved early this year ) and the VCAT members hearing the cases keep arguing that there is lots of parking available in the surrounding residential streets ! ....By objecting to these waivers, we may not win the argument to start with - but eventually all these waivers add up to NO parking left for residents ! Stopping the process at some point is important .. Residents are making this point in their objections to VCAT  - IN ADDITION to supporting Councils points and protecting the Structure Plan from undesirable precedents

Advertising Signs to increase in Banyule BUT already we have problems in the heritage listed Ivanhoe Shopping Strip !

Currently there is a proposal for the signage at the NEW Chemist Shop at the Seddon St / Upper Heidleberg Rd corner to be retrospectively approved - The street level windows are garish and fully blocked out by signs -The doorway is also crowded with signage and baskets -  making access hazardous for prams and wheelie walkers - it is reported

Residents are encouraged to object to this proposal to approve this signage - Complete details are available via our contact page but the application address is 158-160 Upper Heidelberg Rd and the application is P260 / 2014 -

The trigger is for advertising signs that are greater than 8m2 - within a heritage overlay -

Sending an objection stating you object to that - is sufficient  - if you give the shop address and application No above and YOUR personal contact details - Council will do the rest and send you a letter letting you know what is happening

You can email an objection via  (enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au) with    Planning Objection to P260/ 2014     - in the subject line,  or write a letter to - Banyule Planning Dept PO Box 51, Ivanhoe, 3079;  OR call in to the Planning Dept at 44 Turnham Avenue, Rosanna with your objection or to gt the proper form if you want

Say why you object ( ie. perhaps ? - The comprehensive coverage looks terrible and detracts from the valued heritage character of strip ( which is meanr to be protected) ?, Too big and too much blocking of view into shop looks uninviting? - and it will lower the "High Street" tone of the centre - detracting income from more attractive and long standing business ?) Ensure you include the heritage issues ..


 Last Council Meeting ( June 2nd 2014 ) Council voted to investigate increasing signage in Banyule to raise Council income - especially large billboard type signage. As it took a lot of community effort to REDUCE signage in Banyule ( several years of discussion took place) You may wish to object or comment on this proposal by either writing to all the Councillors / writing to the Mayor / or writing to the CEO and asking him where best to place your comments  and asking him to forward them there = All three avenues can be achieved by writing to Email: enquiries@banyule.vic.gov.au with the people you are trying to reach in the subject line

See below for some details of the proposal from CR Garotti or go to the Agenda Papers direct on http://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Council/Council-Meetings/Minutes-and-Agendas checking the June 2 Meeting Item 8.3

Cr Rick Garotti / Ward: Grimshaw

"That Council Officers investigate and report back to Council on a range of opportunities to expand the revenue that Council generates from outdoor advertising.

The report should include investigation of:

1. the opportunities and challenges for a range of possibilities including but not limited to:

Advertisements on existing Council-owned outdoor assets, such as bins in shopping strips, on a fee-for-advertisement basis.

Expand the number of available sites on Council-owned buildings and land across the municipality that support large advertising signs and billboards.

Increase the number of advertising signs

2. ...

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20.04 | 05:34

It was really useful information that you shared with us we really enjoyed your information.
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11.04 | 09:43

I found your website on google and I found it very useful and informative for our business and I also shared your website with my other friends also.

11.04 | 05:14

I found your website on google and I found it very useful and informative for our business and I also shared your website with my other friends also.

05.08 | 03:19

I have heard it is closely and extensively guarded by security guards - I have seen them nearby - but have not spoken to them myself- ED