Name Chelsworth Park
Address 18-28 Irvine Road IVANHOE Significance Level Local
Place Type Park or Garden Precinct
Date 2009
Chelsworth Park
Heritage Protection
History and Historical Context
Chelsworth Park is located between Ivanhoe Golf Club and Wilson Reserve. The land which now comprises Chelsworth
Park was originally part of an expansive land selection named 'Chelsworth' purchased in the 1840s by Captain
Brunswick Smyth,
formerly of Her Majesty's 50th Regiment. This was then purchased in 1846 by Patrick Stevenson and
operated as a dairy farm and orchards (Toomey, 1999; the Leader 12 May 1900). By 1900 the back rooms of the stone
and timber homestead,
known as Chelsworth House, were rented by a farmer/grazier and his family, and the garden,
orchard trees and dairy structures were abandoned and unkempt (the Leader, 12 May 1900).
In the early twentieth century, spurred by the opening
of the direct rail link between Heidelberg and Melbourne (1901), a
number of nineteenth century estates were subdivided as residential estates. Chelsworth Estate was amongst the earliest
of these. The northern section of the estate, comprising
all of the streets south-east of Studley Road, east of Marshall
Street, north of Lower Heidelberg Road and west of Hopetoun Grove was subdivided in 1902 by surveyor Peter Wilhelm
Tuxen (Allom Lovell 1999, Vol. 1: 54). The southern area, including
today's Chelsworth Park, remained largely rural.
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The early residence was retained as
part of the club house for adjacent Ivanhoe Golf Club - also part of the original
Chelsworth Estate (Toomey, 1999). The Ivanhoe Golf Clubhouse has also been assessed for this study and is included
(see HERMES 124832).
In 1924 seven acres
of the riverside section of the estate were purchased by the community and donated to Heidelberg
Shire Council for public parkland. This became Wilson Reserve (see Hermes No. 123884).
In 1931 Heidelberg Shire Council added to this the purchase
of a further 50 acres of Chelsworth Estate immediately
adjacent to Wilson Reserve. This was in part initiated by the newly appointed Melbourne Town Planning Commission
which had, in 1924, urged council acquisition of land for recreation and open
space purposes before subdivision and
residential development made it prohibitively expensive (Allom Lovell & Associates, 1999, Vol. 1). Over the
ensuing years the Council developed various sporting and recreational facilities on the site.
During the 1950s and 60s Chelsworth Park became the focus of many local efforts to conserve its natural beauty and
environment. Noted landscape designer Ellis Stones, as first president of the Ivanhoe River Parklands Protection League
in 1955, was active in its care, especially as the Park abutted his propert (Latreille, 1990).
In August 1954 Stones wrote to the Argus with a plea to 'Save our bushland', decrying the death of trees in a dry
Chelsworth Park billabong
that was being used by Council as a tip, and alienation and destruction of bushland as an
addition to the golf course. Stones suggested that Chelsworth Park could be taken over as a 'national park', providing
sanctuary for platypuses and native
birds. Opposition to such destruction was continued by Robin Boyd in an article in
the Herald the following year, regarding the ravage of a beauty spot such as Chelsworth Park (Latreille, 1990).
During this period, an attempt to drain
and fill in the Horse shoe Billabong in Chelsworth Park to add to the adjoining
golf course was stopped by concerned individuals, referred to as 'night raiders' who, at night, would block up the
drainage channels which had been dug during the
day (Toomey, 1999). Ellis Stones was actively involved in these acts of
civic disobedience, and after many battles between concerned community members and the Council, the natural habitat of
the Horse shoe Billabong was finally preserved. Today,
as 'Bailey's Billabong', it bears the name of one of its staunchest
supporters, Chris Bailey (Toomey, 1999).
In the 1940s a miniature railway was constructed around the billabong and functioned as a weekend tourist attraction for
a number
of years. It was removed because of flooding and vandalism around 1960 (Diamond Valley Railway, n.d.).
Vandalism was a continual problem in the Reserve, and an 'honorary vigilance officer' was appointed in 1963 (Latreille,
As part
of his numerous works for Heidelberg Council, Ellis Stones prepared a cost estimate for a total landscape
treatment at Chelsworth Park (it is not known if this was implemented), and consulted on various Council pavilions,
including a changing
pavilion at Chelsworth Park. On his suggestion, and with considerable Council resistance, architect
Graeme Gunn was commissioned to design this building. Gunn, together with Kevin Borland and Daryl Jackson, was one
of the most significant participants
in the development of Melbourne Contemporary Architecture in the last 1960s and
1970s (Weston, n.d.). The Chelsworth Park Sports Pavilion received a citation award from the Royal Australian Institute
of Architects in 1976 (Weston, n.d.).
Allom Lovell & Associates, 1999, Banyule Heritage Places Study, Volume 1: An urban history [held by City of
Diamond Valley Railway - Chapter 1: In the beginning, at http://www.dvr.com.au/story1.htm
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Latreille, Anne, 1990, The natural garden: Ellis Stones:
his life and work, Ringwood, Victoria
Leader, 12 May 1900
Toomey, Carol, 1999, Beautiful Banyule: a register of our City's Natural Assets, Warringal Conservation Society Inc.,
Weston, H., n.d., Modern
in Melbourne, List of winners of R.A.I.A.-R.V.I.A. Awards, at
Weston, H., n.d., Modern in Melbourne - Melbourne Architecture 1950-1975: Many Strands, at
AHC themes:
1.Shaping Victoria
8.1 Organizing recreation
8.1.3 Developing public parks and gardens
HV themes:
6.Building towns cities and the garden state
Shaping the suburbs
Local themes:
Early settlement
Farming the land
Establishing townships and villages
Rise of the environmental movement
Chelsworth Park consists of gentle slopes running into a flood plain. Whilst there are some historic remnants from its
former use as part of the Chelsworth Estate, its dominant character is that of an active sports area.
Chelsworth Park
consists of 22 hectares largely given over to sports. Facilities exist for active recreation such as cricket and tennis, and
seven separate sporting clubs use the facilities in the Park. Two sports pavilions are located in Chelsworth
Park, one of
which was designed by architect Graeme Gunn and stands as an interesting example of this prominent architect's work. It
consists of a simple elevated geometric building with flat roof, and projecting portico supported by triangular
metal roof
trusses and concrete pillars. The portico protects a broad, shallow-stepped 'forecourt' of bluestone and asphalt which
faces the sports oval. The building is clad in vertical timber of alternating widthsin a grey-green colour, and
the whole
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blends with the surrounding parkland. The second
sports pavilion located nearby is a more traditional building of orange
brick with pitched roof and timber decking.
A rock-walled drainage channel (Irvine Creek) exists on the eastern side of Chelsworth Park. This is lined with mature
of considerable age. A similar but unlined drainage channel (Locksley Creek) can also be found on the western side,
parallel with The Boulevard.
Mature trees and what may be orchard remnants are scattered throughout the Park. The embankment associated
with the
miniature railway is also extant. Bailey's Billabong faces the Park and is the last remaining of a number of billabongs
which were once within the Wilson Reserve / Chelsworth Park area (Toomey, 1999).
Opposite Bailey's Billabong
is a large 'rock garden' bearing a memorial plaque noting 'In memory of Ellis Andrew
Stones 1895-1975'.
Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Chelsworth Park, comprising 22 acres
of sporting facilities and including a stone-lined drainage channel, an avenue of
oaks, orchard remnants and a billabong, is significant. The sports pavilion, designed by architect Graeme Gunn is also
How is it
Chelsworth Park is of local historical, social and scientific significance to to the City of Banyule. The sports pavilion is of
architectural significance to the City of Banyule.
Why is it significant?
Chelsworth Park is of local historical significance as part of the original Chelsworth Estate dating back to the 1840s and
developed from the 1930s for the increasing active recreational needs of the municipality.(Criterion A) Whilst
a landscape that is now devoted to sports, it contains remnants of previous uses including bluestone
drainage channel and an associated avenue of mature oaks.
It is of significance for its importance in the rise of conservation and environmental
consciousness in the municipality
from the 1950s. Environmental destruction within Chelsworth Park sparked the formation of the Ivanhoe River Parklands
Protection League in 1955, with noted landscape designer and environmentalist Ellis Stones
as its first president. A
plaque to his memory has been placed in a rock garden inthe Park. (Criteria A, H).
This growing appreciation of the natural environment is also exemplified by the simple geometric timber sports pavilion
in Chelsworth
Park. Designed by prominent architect Graeme Gunn in the 1970s, the sports pavilion is significant and
was recognized by the Royal Australian Institute of Architects with a citation award in 1976. Gunn was highly influential
in the development
of contemporary architecture in Melbourne in the late 1960s and 70s, and through his involvement
with the Project Housing company Merchant Builders, developed building designs, such as the sports pavilion,which
complemented the Australian landscape
through their simple, functional design and use of natural materials. (Criterion
Chelsworth Park is of local significance as the location of the last remaining of a number of billabongs once in the
Wilson Reserve / Chelsworth Park area.
(Criteria B, F)
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Recommendations 2009
Yes Management of the remnants of orchard trees scattered throughout the
park, other exotic mature trees and the bushland associated with the
billabong is recommneded.
Paint Controls
Internal Alteration Controls
Tree Controls
Fences & Outbuildings
Prohibited Uses May Be Permitted
Incorporated Plan
Aboriginal Heritage Place
Other Recommendations
It has not been investigated as part of the Banyule Heritage Review that Chelsworth Park is an Aboriginal place, however
its location on the Yarra River
and the existence of the billabong suggests that it has that potential.
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